Keeneland September Yearlings!

There is definitely no shortage of well known mares in the sale this year. It should be fun, and very interesting to see the first crop weaners for sure.

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Small update in case anyone is interested. We ended up buying two colts back at the September sale. The Animal Kingdom colt is now named “Tough”. Our colt by Warrior’s Reward x Belleofthebridle is named “Sword.” With luck, both will race for us next year. :slight_smile:

Actually there were 10 RNAs in the first 40. You can’t go off what the “bid board” says. It will always say “sold”. You to know the “secret code”. The fictitious buyback/RNA bid spotter’s name that the selling horse is hammered down to. Or wait until the results are updated. As I explained in another thread on the auction process.

Good luck with them. I understand why you didn’t let them go.

Lord Helpus, I’ve seen a few of the Australian auctions online and the auctioneer says straight up when the bidding has not reached the reserve.

They don’t do that here. They always say “sold” even when the reserve has not been met. I like the straightforward method better.

In England and Ireland and the horse has exceeded the reserve the auctioneer will say “the horse is on the market”. The bidding process is slower and a bit more “clear” to buyers also. At least it was when I attended the sale over there on a regular bases. It’s been a while now.

I can’t remember the exact words the Australian auctioneer used but it was in essence, no that won’t buy him.

I’m always interested. Remind us all, if you remember ;), when they get close to their first starts (no, I don’t have a virtual stable or anything to follow them :slight_smile: ).

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