Keeping my own back warm this winter

Hi friends, I have struggled over the years with a variety of back issues thanks to this sport we love (and a wicked fall as a teenager). I do regular PT exercises at home to keep my piriformis from boycotting my activities and my lower back functional. I’m having an issue this year with the cold weather though in a way I haven’t before. I can usually layer up and wear a heavy vest and keep myself warm enough but I cannot seem to keep my lower back warm right now (it doesn’t help that it’s been in the 20’s for a week) and it’s causing me pain in the saddle as it tightens due to the cold. I’m having trouble sitting the gaits, posting the trot or half seat at the canter seems ok, but the impact + my cold tight back is no bueno. I’ve done some googling for back warmers and seen a variety of things to try, ordered a couple things off Amazon for $20 each. I also know back on track sells a back brace for people.

Has anyone had any experience with any of those helping keep their back warm in the winter? Or other recommendations? I know there are those stick on heating patches (look foot warmers but for your back) but that’s an expensive daily solution. I usually walk a couple laps in hand before getting on to warm my back (and my horse’s back) up before mounting and do several stretches before hand also. That helps some but this cold snap is killing me this year.

I wear a BOT back brace, it helps my back and it keeps my back warm. To get to my lower back I know I would have to put it on lower so it covers my hips, I have not done that yet because my BOT long arm shirt covers my lower back.

I use an Absorbine back patch (or similar knock off) and it often makes a huge difference in my comfort level. I get them in the dollar store!

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I swear by the ThermaCare back wraps:…/dp/B001N0LP9G

They basically work like HotHands warmers and last all day. Most of the big box stores make their own generic version that is usually a couple dollars cheaper. I personally don’t find them expensive since you only use 1 a day and I don’t need to use one every day.

I wear them to work, I wear them to the barn, I wear them while riding. If I’m having a bad back pain day, they are pretty much the only thing that keeps me functional. I hate generating the waste, but when the other option is immobility, it’s worth it to me.

I tried the CVS brand version yesterday in our delightful 20ish degree weather and it helped a lot so yes, I think this might be my best strategy for the really cold days. Fortunately next week the temperature is supposed to come back up to something more reasonable.

It would be an expensive initial outlay but how about a heated vest?

Or maybe one of the vests with the silver lining that reflects your body heat back to you?

Not a bad idea either! Also Back on Track makes long underwear for women and long sleeve shirts that may work as a baselayer, I think I will look into that also.