Keeping outdoor dogs

he all, it summer in the south a little early this year and with temps in the 90’s already i am looking into ways to help keep our ACD cool outdoors. he already has a kiddie pool filled with water, he has access to the covered porch and there are a few large shade trees in the yard.

any other tips or suggestions to help him be comfortable outside during the day? he does not tolerate being crated or i would put him inside with the AC with the other dogs.

looking forward to your suggestions :slight_smile:

Make sure he’s brushed out really well so there’s no extra hair keeping him warm. Could you set up a fan somewhere? Maybe access under the porch?

Will he chew a cooling mat?

Frozen 2-liter bottles
Shave belly and groin
Frozen kongs and pupsicles

Would he tolerate being in a bathroom/basement/cellar (during the hottest part of the day)?

Add frozen gallon or 2 liter bottles of ice to the kiddie pool water. We had Siberian Huskies growing up and they loved that combo during Texas summers.

Unfortunately he will chew and pee on anything and everything if indoors even with supervision. he is a little asshole when it comes to that but otherwise sweet and smart… probably too smart.

I have brushed him out when he shed his winter coat but i will go after him again and make sure its all out. And i will try shaving his belly area if he will let me.

The frozen 2 liters are a fantastic idea! it will keep his pool cooler and he can play with the bottles, he will love that. I will also look into frozen kongs and getting him a fan for the porch (it is concrete so no space underneath it for him to go).

Thanks for the input COTHers. I will get on these things as soon as i get home.

I live in VA and my dogs have always stayed outside in a fenced yard when we are at work. Currently BC’s and a cattle dog. Plenty of shade, two wading pools, dog houses, and a porch they have excavated cool dirt nests under.

One thing they really liked is an old section of privacy fence leaning against the perimeter fence. Made a tunnel of sorts. The honey suckle grew over the fence and structure shading it even more. In the tunnel the ground was bare and cool. They slept in there quite often.

I live in VA and my dogs have always stayed outside in a fenced yard when we are at work. Currently BC’s and a cattle dog. Plenty of shade, two wading pools, dog houses, and a porch they have excavated cool dirt nests under.

One thing they really liked is an old section of privacy fence leaning against the perimeter fence. Made a tunnel of sorts. The honey suckle grew over the fence and structure shading it even more. In the tunnel the ground was bare and cool. They slept in there quite often.[/QUOTE]

if i did the tunnel idea my ACD would be using it as a run way to escape

if i did the tunnel idea my ACD would be using it as a run way to escape[/QUOTE]

Ha! No there was no way to escape. At least not via tunnel. I did not explain well.

The yard is fenced. Inside the new fence there was a long section of old fence leaning against the new fence. Made an A-frame structure along the inside of the perimeter fence. Entrance an exit were within the perimeter fence.

Now we did have a lab we inherited that used the A-frame and vines covering it as a ramp to climb out once…but modification to fence height took care of that.

One thing they really liked is an old section of privacy fence leaning against the perimeter fence. Made a tunnel of sorts. The honey suckle grew over the fence and structure shading it even more. In the tunnel the ground was bare and cool. They slept in there quite often.[/QUOTE]

Keeper kept disappearing in the yard, giving me a heart attack. We have a little trailer for the lawn mower, that it is flipped over and propped against the fence when not in use. Finally I was quick enough to spy him leaving this cave. Dark, shaded, a cool impression dug in the dirt. Nevermind the cot under the porch bought just for him.