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Keeping roller bits spinning

Does anyone have any tips for maintaining a bit with a roller (myler specifically)? It seems that the roller only spins easily for a few months.

Call the Myler folks and state your problem. Perhaps the way you keep or use the bit is causing the problem. Maybe the roller needs cleaning, so they can tell you the best method. With the cost of Myler bits, I would start with the maker.

OnDeck, did you have any luck getting your bit roller freed up again?

I sprayed in there with some aerosol olive oil which seemed to help. Since then I’ve been twisting it while running it under the sink after every use to keep it from getting gummed up. I think it’s helped a bit. It still spins so I’m not overly concerned, just not as it did when new and I could hear my horse spinning away when we were halted.

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Glad things are improved!