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Kentucky 4* jog?

Anyone know why there’s no 4* jog until Sunday? There must be some kind of vet inspection??

4* is only a short format.
So horses in the 4*S are informally jogged upon arrival in the first day.

The reason there is a formal jog on Sunday for the 4S is because they ran the xc as the second phase and the ground jury will check that all horses in the 4S are fit and sound to compete in the final show jumping phase. Same reason why the 5* will also have a formal jog on Sunday.

Hope this answers your question.


I don’t know why part of my response is italic and part isn’t. Don’t know how I did it either.

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Two asterisks around words or sentences auto formats the sandwiched text into italic, now.

So, when you said 4S and then mentioned 4S again it switched on and off :laughing: if you don’t want italics you will have to insert spaces after your asterisks.


Thanks! DIdn’t realize it was short :slight_smile:

Thanks for the explanation, I never knew that.