I think that the outrider handled the situation as best they could in the situation they were in. I really do not get all the negative comments about what they did. Could a loose galloping wound up horse cause mayhem? Yes, in a heartbeat.
I also don’t get all the negative stuff about Rich Strike. Yes, his behavior is not desirable. Does it make him some dangerous rouge? I doubt it. He is literally a young stud. He is in a crowded, noisy place. He has just galloped the race of a lifetime. He is a horse. Horses are reactive prey animals. Why is the use of stud chains pretty common to handle stallions and colts? There is a reason. The horse calmed down enough to get under control, and finish the rest of the business of the day. How many young horses have stupid behavior that they do not repeat throughout their lifetime? Many, I would guess. How many horses would be wound up by all of the noise and commotion of Derby Day? Many, many, many.
And this horse is not some rank out of control being-- watch the ride down the track where his rider gave him an abrupt turn into another lane to move up the track. Literally a sharp right. The horse went. He was responsive to his rider and ran a great memorable race.