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Kentucky ticket exchange

2024 LRK3DE Fri-Sun grounds passes, $25 per day. Your choice of days. I have two passes available. Email heather.schutte@hotmail.com

4-Day General Pass for Sale - please make an offer! I just plain make an error when ordering
Greetings! When I went to print my tickets, I learned that I have one extra! No idea how, but I have an extra 4-day pass.
Selling for $149 with fees on the site, I am open to offers! I mainly don’t want them to go to waste.
I live in WI and will be on the grounds hopefully Wed for the course walk and inspection, happy to transfer paper tickets OR to email them to you. Or both!
Jodi 608-780-4183

I have been wanting to go for years. Finally booked the tickets with the Early Bird pricing, and my horse decides to colic today. Don’t feel like I can go since there is no one else to take care of him. I have three tickets for each day. Thursday - Dressage - Section 205 Row B Seat 4, 5, 6. Friday - Dressage - Section 207 Row B Seat 1, 2, 3. Saturday - Grand Prix Section 205 Row A, Seat 4, 5, 6. Sunday - Stadium - Section 207 Row B Seat 1, 2, 3. Let me know if you are interested. I paid the Early Bird pricing, but would take less for them. Make me an offer I can’t refuse so I can pay the vet bill for my pony. Thanks!

I have 2 general admission tickets for Saturday and Sunday.
We really wanted to go but a medical situation came up, and we can’t make it. I bought them for 204.60 but will sell them for $175. Please email me at abdunlevy@gmail.com if you are anyone you know would be interested! Thank you1

Do you still have this?

Hey horse / eventing friends
I have one full set of Kentucky 3 day event tickets for sale, including:

  • 4 Day Ground Admission
  • Thursday Dressage, sec 206, row N, Seats 7
  • Friday Dressage, sec 206, row N, seats 7
  • Saturday Grand Prix sec 206, row N, seats 22
  • Sunday Stadium sec 206, row QQ, seats 22

$200 obo. Even if you’re only going for 3 days, this is a steal!!

Do you still have Sat Grand Prix tickets?

I do. PM me for details.

Ok, maybe there is not a place to PM me here. :-). Just email me at vickie@blueplatenetwork.com and I can get them to you. Thanks.