We made ours using a dog collar and a choke chain for the chain part, fastened above the hock. Chain reaches down to the fetlock for length, no chance of it being stepped on. Stall use only!! They are quite effective, self-inflicted AS NEEDED. You just can’t be by the horse 24 hours to punish kicks.
Most horses self-train pretty quick, give up kicking in short order. I do both hind legs, some horses will swap kicking from a favorite leg to the other, using only one chain. I leave them on about a month, so horse should be REALLY over the habit, even if surprised from behind.
I have only had one horse revert to wall kicking even after the month of being good, so she wore chains here until we sold her. Hers was more food related, she expected breakfast at 5am!! Not taking NO for an answer until she wore chains!
I do not wrap the chains, they are not extremely heavy weight, but certainly do sting as they snap back with a kick. As mentioned, dog choke chain works, a couple curb chains tied together for length work too.
I consider kicking chains to be a better method to stop kicking, than the bent horsehoe around the pastern joint. The shoes slide up and down the joint, twirl around the leg, rubbing holes in the skin.