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King Ranch Quarter Horses and Piroplasmosis

So I know they had the outbreak a couple of years ago( I live a couple of miles from the ranch) but lately have not heard of any news concerning the horses. Does anyone know how the horses are and if any made it? I know they had an experimental drug that they were trying but I heard that last year.

I haven’t heard anything about it recently. I do know people that have hauled horses out there to ride, so would think the quarantine is off. My sister (the vet) and some vet buddies were out there a couple months ago to go birding …they are a nosey bunch and would have asked to go to the barns if they thought there was something interesting to observe or talk about.

It’s a big place, the areas used for camping and trail rides may be moved further away for their stock area.


It’s a big place, .[/QUOTE]

at 825,000 acres it is just under 1300 square miles which makes it about 200 sq/miles larger than Rhode Island

at 825,000 acres it is just under 1300 square miles which makes it about 200 sq/miles larger than Rhode Island[/QUOTE]


They required all horses in Kleburg County to be tested this year. Of 400 horses tested, 4 were positive, including a friends horse that a couple of us helped rescue from starvation just a year earlier. The other horses were euthanized but our friends opted to make lifestyle changes to keep Mo in permanent quarantine the rest of his life, since he wasn’t showing any symptoms. There is a treatment available but its costly and has a high incidence of causing severe colic.