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Kitty safe plants and grasses that my cat can chew on!

Hello all . I am the fur mom of two indoor kitties, one of whom has taken to EATING the native flowers I am trying to grow.
This is problematic for two reasons:

  1. I am not 100% sure that the plants I am growing are safe for cats
  2. I have spent a lot of time and effort getting these plants to grow.

So I am looking for kitty safe plants that my Dorian can chew on / eat. Thank a for the help.

Photo tax of said plants and offending kitty just waiting for me to leave

Based on my cats, their faves are my ponytail palm and spider plant. :roll_eyes:


The wheat grass they sell in the produce section is safe and cheaper than the same thing sold for cats. I have also seen cat grass seeds advertised. Home Depot and Walmart have catnip and cat mint plants in their garden centers. Spider plant is safe.

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I grow my own wheat grass. I buy the seeds and the coco coir on Amazon but have also used regular potting soil

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Catmint, catnip, garlic chives, and oatgrass or wheat grass. My cats have been cut off the catnip because I have a couple of mean drunks and the only thing they went crazy over was the cat grass. I mean, to the point that one of them was standing IN the pot grabbing it all and smacking the other cats away while the growled and ate around his legs.

I got my cat grass seeds at a local garden supply and I think it was renee’s. Try this

Search: 6 results found for “cat grass” | Renee’s Garden Seeds (reneesgarden.com)

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