Knee Hardware Removal- Experiences?

I broke my knee cap in 2008-2009 and they fixed it with wire and bone pins.

The bone pin now gets impinged on the tendon of my quad so in for surgery I go. :frowning:

Unfortunately, upon xray- the wires and all broken so they can’t take it out orthoscopically, they have to open my knee back up 8 inches to retrieve all the pieces.

Anyone else have any experience with this as far as getting back in the saddle?

I was supposed to show in Kentucky the week after, I guess that isn’t happening.

Ortho specialist (sports medicine) said “this isn’t going to be as bad as your other surgeries” (referencing a car accident that pulverized my arm and broke my neck).

Everything I read makes it seem like a relatively easy recovery. Anyone else had this done?

This isn’t your situation but perhaps a corollary. I smashed my right elbow last year in a bicycling accident – it required surgery for internal fixation 
 a relative large plate and six screws. The bones healed well and after rehab I regained almost 100% ROM in that elbow. Fast forward a year and the hardware started to really bother me. I consulted with my orthopedic surgeon and he agreed that taking it out made sense – so I had that surgery done about 10 days ago. The surgery itself was quicker than last time 
 still required general anesthesia but no whole arm nerve block. Minimal post surgical pain – just some stinging discomfort around the incision. Two weeks for the incision to heal – requiring bulky bandaging and limited activity (i.e. no sweating under the bandage and try not to bend the elbow too much). Staples come out later this week, thankfully. After that Doc says I can go back to normal activities but he cautioned that I “can’t fall” on the elbow for another 4 weeks to allow the screw holes in the bones to close up. My interpretation of that is that I will ride my “steady eddy” gelding but wait to ride my more athletic horse (trainer will ride while I’m on light duty). So not sure how applicable this experience is to your situation but maybe somewhat 
 Good luck!

Very similar!! Just a different bone :slight_smile:

Thankfully I won’t have any holes at this point- they’t totally come off the bone already sigh.

Yes- that is EXACTLY feedback I wanted. I am so bummed that I missing my homebred’s first over fences show. :frowning: I was supposed to ride her but am sending her with a pro. I figured there was no way I’d fit in a boot. I guess I’ll try to make it down Week 2 and limp around.

However, doctor says my quality of life will be much better. I just did a 5 K Saturday and I can barely move.

Good luck in your recovery!! I hope it all goes well.

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