Knee Pain mitigations needed

I have a fused left ankle and now my left knee is acting up. I had surgery on it over a year ago (meniscus tear repair and general clean up) but the relief didn’t last long. Injections don’t seem to help. I’ve tried support knee brace with a back on track knee brace underneath and it helps a little. A half a Vicodin helps more but still trotting or cantering is very painful enough so that most of my concentration is on the pain and not where I’m going or staying in the saddle. My Ortho says my other knee is worse (smashed tibial plateau repair old ACL repair that has failed totally bone on bone) so he figures I’ll eventually adapt as I did with the right knee but I’m seeing no progress in that area.

Because of the fusion I ride with my stirrups close to the home position to prevent excess strain on the metatarsals of the left foot. I’ve tried different stirrup lengths and it seems changing the length rather than the length itself has more of an effect.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to mitigate this pain until my left knee adapts?

Assuming you are riding English, have you tried jointed stirrups? I found years ago that they help general pain in my knees and hips because they help with the torque. I also use the stiched covered leathers rather than the traditional leathers. Now I have a knee problem that probably needs surgical intervention but I am putting it off. It’s fine when I ride, it is the rest of life that is a problem. If you ride western maybe a pair of the little doobies that hang off the leathers and turn the stirrups 90 degrees. Fortuantely my trail saddle was built with Circle Y’s “softee leather” that doesn’t need breaking in or brooming, so I am also avoiding the torque that causes the knee pain.

I haven’t used the jointed stirrups as they were contraindicated by someone here who was a therapist for my fused ankle, but since the ankle and foot are not bothering me anywhere near what the knee is I may give them a go. Thanks

I’ve got knee & ankle problems, among other things. Are you on a consistent anti-inflammatory & a cosequin type supplement? Have you tried the Professionals Choice knee brace? Are you using an ice/heat regimen? Stretching/massage of the joint & adjacent areas that will compensate? Do you have an ortho/PT who are riders? If not, do some networking and see if you can find one. My chiro is a rider and her hands on knowledge of the sport helps treatment.

My trainer wasn’t happy with my stability/leg position in jointed stirrups. I tried 5-6 different types last year and ended up with these: The joints are stiffer than most & there’s an air pocket under the foot bed that helps with shock absorption- like a running shoe. on crazy horse days when I’m jamming my heals down until my toes tingle, I still get off stiff but not limping like I used to.

I hope some of this helps!

I can’t take the long term Nsaids, chest pain results, even with Ibuprofen i’m having problems with. I am on a glucosamine chondroitin, msm and HA supplement, along with Ester C and fish oil. I use a combination of a back on track knee sleeve and an support brace my doctor wrote a prescription for. Unfortunately the ankle on the same leg as the problem knee is fused so no compensation is possible there. My ortho doesn’t ride but his children do.

I’ll check out the metalab stirrups and see how they do. Thanks for the suggestions.

Did your ortho not suggest a knee injection? My husband had a major meniscus repair to his knee about three months ago, and eventually they drew excess fluid out and jabbed him with an injection - I’m going to say cortisone, but could be something newer…he is a new man.

Did your ortho not suggest a knee injection? My husband had a major meniscus repair to his knee about three months ago, and eventually they drew excess fluid out and jabbed him with an injection - I’m going to say cortisone, but could be something newer…he is a new man.[/QUOTE]

Yes I get regular knee injections in both knees. The pain relief in the problem knee lasts approximately 6 hours after an injection.

I’m a huge fan of the wide track composite stirrups:

I don’t have nearly the knee problems you do (had joint disease as a kid, did plenty of damage doing sports growing up), but I can trail ride, foxhunt and do endurance rides with them and not have any knee pain. With plain irons, 20 minutes in and my knee is on fire and my ability to ride even remotely effectively is significantly compromised.

I tried the Wide Track Composite Stirrups basically as the price was lower than other suggestions and I can only administer smelling salt to DH so many times.

Test rode yesterday. Started with my stirrup leathers a little long no real relief at all. Then I shortened then a hole. I difference was night and day. Pain was almost totally gone just an occasion twinge not the constant stabbing I’d been having when I ride. Without the pain I felt much more secure. I wasn’t even wearing my knee brace. These stirrups definitely did make a difference. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions.

How about regular voltaren gel on the joint? Targets the NSAID and very little is absorbed systemically. Apply twice daily.

The duration of your relief with injections suggests the block is acting and the steroid is totally ineffective…

I suggest also considering a saddle with flat (flatter) sides. Knee padding makes knee pain worse. I switched from a thick knee padded saddle to a close contact type with great results. Consider also some shock absorbing pads in the stirrup irons. Make sure you are using a mounting block to DISMOUNT. Any jarring or concussion to your knee joint can make it hurt. Consider wearing good sneakers for most ambulations and avoid walking on uneven ground like pastures. Lose weight and exercise your thigh muscles too!
Been there, done this. Once the meniscus is gone and you’re bone to bone the only help is a total knee replacement. It’s in my future someday too. Sadly knees only get worse. But you can control how fast this happens.
I am curious about your chest pain with nsaids. Are you having GI pain from stomach irritation? I hope you don’t write them off your regimen as they are lifesavers. Some are less irritating too…like Celebrex. ALWAYS take them with a huge glass of water, or with a meal/food. Milk, antacids even. And make sure you take them 24/7 as they work best when you maintain a blood level of medication at all times. Some take a bit to really kick in annd get the inflammation(hence pain) outa the joint. Days even weeks of around the clock taking. Celebrex can take 3-4 weeks to peak for example.
I sympathize with anyone w/chronic knee pain. Mine predicts rain!!
Best wishes these suggestions help.

The thinline stirrup wraps, surprisingly, also make a difference for me…

I took the plunge and bought MDC Stirrups. Jointed stirrups will send you to the moon with pain. I am having knee replacement on Tuesday. After not beig able to ride comfortably and weak for years, Im just getting it done. Even after watching youtube videos. Of course your OS will advise you if you need one but, I just some advice, I went round and round for a long time to put it off and there is no alternative.

I have ankle with screws and pins and limited flexion, one knee replacement and another one pending. I have the original Herm Sprenger Flex stirrups and I love them; I’m pretty sure I couldn’t still be riding without them. The joints on mine are fairly stiff; I am not aware of any instability and I don’t feel them move, I am just aware of less pain and fatigue when I ride.

The only thing I am considering is the stirrups that allow the 45 and 90 degree turn as well as the flex. I CANNOT catch my right stirrup on my toe after mounting, I usually use my stick to assist me. This puts me in a precarious position for a while after mounting, so I am considering the stirrups that allow the turn. However, I don’t want to spring for another $225.00 pair of stirrups without being sure that they’re the right thing.

I would highly recommend borrowing as many different types as you can and taking them for a test ride before making the decision. What aggravates someone else’s injuries may be exactly the correct palliative for yours. And I believe that there are a lot of differences between the various makes and models.

If you are bone on bone, full knee replacement. I am also bone on bone and now I am wearing into my femur bone. I have fought it with Synvisc and cortisone injections for a couple of years but have given in and am have the surgery July 15th. I am scared to death about staying in the hospital overnight but I simply can’t take the pain any longer Plus I have a 17 year-old Chihuahua that is really going to miss her Mama.