Knee replacement #4, 11 days into rehab

I have survived knee replacement #4, and have now hit the lovely spot in rehab where the staples holding the incision together are driving me insane. You cannot imagine how happy I am that the visiting nurse is going to remove them on Monday, so my Christmas present will be taking a much needed SHOWER!

This replacement has been a lot less painful than #3, back in January, was. Still, rehabbing it is a major PITA. And you do get a little lonely if you live alone, like I do. But I can’t complain too much — one friend brought me fresh fruit and made me a lovely fruit salad, another one brought me a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree that makes me laugh every time I see it. I also have TONS of books to read. And I’ve started back on using a cane rather than a walker, so that’s a nice bit of improvement.

I’ve also decided that due to my increasing arthritis, I have got to do some things for ME — like getting a stackable washer/dryer and renovating the kitchen enough to install it on the main floor. (My basement stairs are the narrowest, steepest stairs my contractor has ever seen.) I’m also planning on getting a recumbent exercise bike for my living room — I’ll use it here and it will be a good way to strengthen my quads and get the reciprocating motion back in my legs.

Oh, and I’ve also been smart enough to realize that showing in a dog show — even one class, one day, one dog — on Jan. 13 is ridiculous and I’m not going. Even through the pain meds, I’ve come to realize that that is a stupid thing to try for. So now I’m planning for a 3 day show with all 3 dogs in February — which is a MUCH more realistic goal.

Arthritic knees suck, as do all arthritic joints. I’m starting a betting pool now as to which joint(s) will be next in line for surgery. I’m betting right ankle. :slight_smile:

Hang tough girl!

ouch! is this all the same knee?

have you used a recumbent before? i found them to be harder on my knees than an upright…

Reading the OP reinforces my fear of getting new joints. I am looking at new knees as well as a hip… I cant imagine going through it once let alone 4 times! you sound very brave…

Wow! I am impressed with how much you are already doing! Keep with it!

I have “survived” my first knee replacement on 9/11/12 and after 5 month, I am walking without limping & riding without pain. It’s a long road, but SO worth it in the end.