Knee replacement for competitive 1.20 Rider?

I know there have been several threads about riding after knee replacement surgery, but I was hoping anyone with experience (either personal or anecdotal) might take a few moments to comment.

I am 51, fit and riding a very full show schedule- about 8-10 shows/year. I show jump in the Level 5’s and event at the 2* level with two different and amazing horses. I am blessed to be in great health except for one knee which was injured in a sports accident when I was 15.

Like others, I have been putting off knee replacement for as long as possible, but chronic pain is necessitating surgery sooner than later. I know there have been previous posts from riders with knee replacements who post-op appear to ride for pleasure- maybe trail riding or just for fun. But I haven’t seen any posts from competitive riders with knee replacements. I am not a GP rider, but there probably are some riders at a very high level- or even just competitive 1.30/1.20 riders- who have had knee replacements and tried to continue their careers.

I’m curious how a) it has affected your riding/competitiveness and b) has anyone had to have a revision (do-over) surgery as a result of riding?

Gary Stevens had his knee replaced last year. It hasn’t affected his abilities to compete as one of the nation’s top jockeys.

Sorry you have to deal with it.

My husband is 68 and has his knee replaced last February. He is back to riding and showing his cutting horse. He was off for a month and a half and eased into riding, but now he’s back to normal.
Do your PT and remember that you will be doing it for the rest of your life. Good luck!

I think Phyllis Dawson had a knee replacement.

Not a show person but I fox hunt first flight every Sunday Sept-April on two replaced knees --I do wear polo knee guards to protect against trees and kicks.


I am right there with you. I have been getting by on OrthoVisc injections for the past 3 years. They no longer work.

The odd thing is that my left knee is bone on bone. My right knee has a bit of space left, but it hurts more than my left. Go figure? I am speaking with several Ortho Docs, because I am an Eventer, who wants to continue eventing.

I will need an immunologist, because I have Sarcoidosis, too. I just turned 63. I was hoping to outlast my knees, but can hardly walk right now, so will be getting them done. :o

OP, Good luck with your operation. I hope that your surgery goes well!