Looking for Koriene, a 1991? Dutch Harness Horse mare, Farao-Akoriene/Satelliet. She’s the dam of my wonderful Victorious, but as she does not have DNA on file with the KWPN-NA, his pedigree remains unconfirmed. He’s got Register B papers and my life goes on, but I’d love to try and track her down and see if I can get the new owners to submit some hair.
She was in the Green Bay, WI area as late as 2005, owned by a woman named Charlene Pinkerton, who I was told bred Arabian and Saddlebred horses. She passed away in 05 or 06, and her horses were dispersed (which is how I came to have Victorious). The KWPN-NA worked very dilligently at trying to track down her whereabouts, but were unsuccesful.
Google reveals that Lacroix arabians had her at one point (I’ve got an email into them). Also shows that my Midge has a full sister somewhere, named Unity, and 96 half-sister Okoriene, by Waterman. Not that any of that is helpful, but that’s as far as I’ve gotten.
PM or lauren@spriesersporthorse.com. If it helps, Midge is going to make his Grand Prix dressage debut next year, and I think he could be a Really Big Deal someday, so if you’re out there, current owner, you’d really like to be able to brag about your mare’s 2002 baby!