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Kubota L3901 (37 HP) vs. L4701 (47 HP)

Tractor shopping. I’m used to renting a skid, so I don’t have a good feel for tractors. Stuck between these two models. Typical horse farm chores, (bucket and blade to start) plus I want to pick up a used auger for fencing. Looks like I can get a mini Parma groomer if I go for less HP.
The bigger tractor (naked) is 119.5 long by 62.4 wide and the smaller is 107.9 x55.1–I don’t have a good feel for how the maneuverability will vary.
I have a brush cut mower for the ATV and probably won’t buy a new field mower right away.

Your tractor or your barn can never be too big. I have a 45 hp and wish it was more like 60 to 75 hp but when I bought it I only had 30 acres, now I have 85 and lust for a bat wing mower. Mine is just a little too small for that.

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I’ve got the L3301, and it’s more than enought for my 30 acres. It’s the exact same tractor as the L3901, with the difference in horsepower being the computer.

From the Voice of Experience: When being tempted by a bat wing mower and bigger tractor, deal with the temptation by giving in. You’ll be glad you did!!! :slight_smile:

Seriously, the time saving is absolutely amazing. If you time is worth anything at all you’ll recoup your cost in a year or two.



Since you have an ATV, the bigger one would be better. It will be less maneuverable. Can you drag your ring you plan for with the ATV?

do you have a mower? The most useful equipment I have is my zero turn I can mow everything with, I have a 32 hp JD with finish mower but it is too heavy for yard work. I use the zero turn in paddocks and yard and everything.

the 32 is enough for me for light lifting but if I had round bales I would want something bigger.

No, I would need to upgrade my ATV significantly to use the kind of drag I want. The tractor will do dragging and pull a water tank for the arena.
I have a big pasture mower and a riding mower (the later will get replaced with a zero turn when it dies). So mowing isn’t really an issue.
I do need to get a manure spreader though.
I currently feed small squares, but they are getting harder and harder to find.

I just bought the 4701 HST and I am in love. The smaller tractors wouldn’t pull a big enough bush hog (could only go up to 4’ bush hog with the smaller tractors but was able to go with the 6’ with the 4701). The smaller tractors couldn’t lift more than 800# in the bucket and my compressed bales are between 1000-1100 pounds. My best advice is to go to a dealership locally and talk to them about your needs; they will have a lot of insight!

My L3301 handles a 6 ft brush hog with ease, and with the back blade on for balance, does fine with 800-900 lb. big squares. I also have a big rear mounted snowblower for my 1/4 mile driveway. My property is all flat so that may be one reason I’m not feeling the need for bigger.

Write a list of jobs you want the tractor to do. Discuss your list with the dealer.

I suggest You should lean toward the larger / heavier tractor.

The bigger machine will provide a margin of safety for an inexperienced operator. As in the error, that tips up the larger machine will completely overturn the smaller machine.

Agree with earlier posters. Compile a list of chores the tractor will be asked to perform. Speak with your local dealer and get suggestions for which models to consider and opt for the larger model. It sounds overly simplistic, but it is a great guide.

The larger tractor will be able to take on those extra projects that weren’t anticipated. The additional HP will also be useful when the tractor gets a bit older and the regular chores like dragging and mowing become more taxing on the engine.