Kyphoplasty on 2/13 for T-10 Compression Fracture

After starting to hurt in October, when I tried to ride for the first time in years, I finally got an x-ray,and was told I have a compression fracture of my t-10 vertebrae. The surgery itself wasn’t bad at all. I saw the surgeon again on 2/23, and am now allowed to lift up to 20 pounds. I am still on pain meds,enough for another 10 days. And I don’t feel a bit better. It hurts when I stand up for any time at all - the time required to brush my teeth, for example. And when I try to sit up straight. I’ve got orders for PT. I am discouraged, I thought the pain would be a lot less by now. Has anyone else had this or similar surgery? What were your results? How long before you could ride again?

When was your surgery?

Have you started PT?

Have you asked your surgeon if this pain is expected at this stage of your recovery and it should get better or ?

Surgery was 2/13, I meant to say that. I have not started PT yet, he said to wait until 2/27. He said that some pain is expected and it will get better. I may have just been too hopeful about a quick recovery.

Some pain post spine surgery is to be expected (or so I’ve been told as I experienced 2+ weeks of better living through pharmaceuticals after mine so don’t remember anything). If your surgeon isn’t concerned you shouldn’t be. Give the bones and nerves in your back a chance to heal. You’re not even 2 weeks out post surgery yet.

Your body also has some “learning” to do to make adjustments around whatever changes your surgeon did.

Be diligent in PT and if you feel you aren’t getting any where, maybe try a different therapist. I been fortunate to have some fantastic therapists and some, shall we say, less fantastic. The fantastic ones were worth their weight in gold in helping me along in my recovery process. The others, not so much.

Bone healing isn’t quick and bone is living tissue. You’ve also got a nervous system running through those vertebra. :slight_smile: Think about what you might be expecting to be reasonable recovery if you’d broken a bone in your arm or leg… doesn’t happen fast. You’ll get there :slight_smile: