L1 compression fraction in 2010; continuing pain

Hi everyone-

I had a compression fracture of my L1 vertebrae in 2010 and despite completing PT, I still have lingering back problems. I did the strengthening exercises for my back at home, went to see a chiropractor (only stopped when they wanted me to come 4x a week), and have gone to see 2-3 back doctors who have told me that there is nothing that they can do for me and that I will have back pain for the rest of my life due to the damage and that riding is only going to exacerbate the pain. At this point, the bone is healed, but the muscles around is are weak and atrophied and don’t get full range of motion.

With that being said, I’m not going to ever stop riding, and I have tried several things to try to lessen the pain. At one point I had a massager on my back (sort of like a small iPod with connecting gel packs that delivered electrical shocks with varying strengths), but that got to be more of an annoyance/distraction over time.

I am wondering now about trying a back brace, and if anyone else with my problem or similar problems has ever used one to any success? I’ve look at either the Back on Track one that SmartPak has or the Professionals Choice back brace. I wonder if a brace would help stabilize the muscles in my back and help control the pain.

Anyone have any experience or advice?

I’m probably not going to say what you want to hear but . . . Welcome to the club.

I had a compression fracture of T5 and 6, in 1992 and some degree of back pain has pretty much been a constant companion. Some days it’s a minor twinge, some days it’s fairly agonizing. Being fitter helps. But it’s not a cure. As you get older, you may have issues. Basically, you learn to live with it. Sucks, and I’m sorry, but there it is.

I’ve not had to quit riding, but there have been blocks of time where I’ve had to take a break or back off. (To be fair, I also have a severe neck injury, different accident).

But this may be your reality now. You’ll figure out what works for you.

Welcome to the club… Problematic and chronic since 1995.