While my horse is sidelined with his own injury (hind suspensory) I was riding a different horse. Got bucked off, landing on my rear end, immediate severe back pain, did the smart thing and stayed still while coach called for an ambulance. I have a 30-50% height compression fracture of L1 with 9mm retropulsion (pushing into spinal canal). Other than back pain, which is mostly muscular, I have no changes: no numbness, tingling or weakness anywhere. I am in a full TLSO back brace for 8-12 weeks with no bending, lifting or twisting allowed. I see the neurosurgeon at 1 month to evaluate healing. When he saw me at the hospital he said 70-80% chance of healing without surgery.
I’ve seen some older threads with similar injuries and various outcomes. Right now I’m managing to stay positive about both my boy and I healing together and being able to continue our dressage journey together. I have my coach who will be able to do the riding portion of his rehab and other support at home and the barn.
I’d love to hear your experiences (good or bad) with healing, PT, surgery and getting back to riding.