L2-3 level Cyst - Anyone??

So the short version - I’ve had leg pain and numbness in my right leg since June 2014. Severe stenosis at level L3-4 so had a decompression done in January 2015. That didn’t help so fusion done in June 2015. Doctor found a cyst at that level that he removed when he did the fusion. Then a screw came loose and had to be replaced. So three back surgeries later, leg never really went back to normal. Most of the time it feels like my right leg is at the finish line of a marathon and my left leg is still standing at the start line. Accompanied by back pain and other fun stuff. It’s also been injected 14 times over the past two years, had MRI’s, a Myelogram, and CT’s done. No one can find out what is bothering the nerves.

Went back to my surgeon last week and he ordered another Myelogram and CT. Got the results yesterday - he sees another Cyst, this time at the L2-3 level. He showed me the CT and I easily saw the problem (thanks to too many years of looking at horses radiographs…) The spinal column thickness goes from normal to about 1/4 normal right where he sees the cyst. Explains all the problems.

Now here’s the big problem - my surgeon is leaving his practice as of yesterday and he’s not sure of where he’s taking a new position. Both are within a reasonable distance, but he won’t have any privileges for at least 4 months. Since I teach at a university, I probably won’t have time to get it fixed until after spring semester, but if it’s a real emergency, I’ll have to make the time, but would have to change surgeons.

Anyone know a great spine doctor in the southern VA - NC area?

Shoot, I wish you were closer to Baltimore because I know an amazing one. Do you have a physical therapist that you like/trust? They work with the aftermath of almost all the surgeons in the area and are a wealth of information as to who is good at what.

Have you had an EMG?

Just out of curiosity… neurosurgeon or orthopaedic surgeon?

I’ve had just about every test imaginable - including EMG. I’ll take Neurosurgeon or Orthopod. Whoever can get rid of the never ending leg issue!!

If you’ve had an EMG, what do the results say regarding nerve condition in your legs?

As far as surgeons, I was more curious which specialist had done your previous surgeries.

I can recommend an orthopaedic surgeon in Denver. :slight_smile:

EMG shows no permanent damage as of last January. Ortho did the surgeries. He’s also the one that identified the new cyst - radiologist missed it on the CT scan.

Still can’t help with a great spine surgeon in your neck of the woods but IMO great news that there is no apparent permanent damage :slight_smile: (January 2015 or January 2016?).

If you’re thinking you might not be able to have the cyst surgically addressed until spring semester, maybe stay in touch with your current surgeon and see where he lands. I’d also really talk to him about risk of turning the damage into something permanent if you wait. I’d also ask him if he’s got a surgeon he’d recommend (note a previous thread in the now_I_forget forum where health care professionals often do have strong opinions on other health care professionals :slight_smile: (although many in my past experience are very hesitant to voice those opinions in anything remotely looking like a large or public audience :slight_smile: ).

Keep us posted!!

Would that be syringomyelia? If so, I had a friend who had it. It eventually resolved.

Well wishes to you. (I’m a back patient, also.)

I’ve talked with my surgeon about staying in touch with him - he even texted me his private cell number :slight_smile: He’s a good guy. He said he would refer me to the Duke Spine Center but that he doesn’t have a specific dr in mind. He has been great about referrals in the past.

Not syringomyelia - much lower down and caused by movement above the previous fusion unfortunately.

Is your surgeon willing to continue to be your surgeon after his move and setting up new practice/privileges?

Do you know why he moved? In re-reading your OP, I thought it a bit “off” that he is leaving the former practice without a new practice already lined up.

If he’s willing to give a referral, I’d take that and at least have a Dr check you at at Duke Spine to see what they say. I totally get not wanting to see a new Dr and having established a trust relationship but maybe a fresh set of eyes would be a good thing.

If you don’t like the Dr you see at Duke but like the facility, maybe see about seeing a different Dr there (although this can be a bit of a PITA; I saw one Dr in a neurology practice and really did not like him but what a pain to switch to a different neurologist).