L5/S1 Rupture

Hi there! I have a recent L5/S1 rupture with disc migration, and some nerve root damage. Anyone else suffering from the same thing? Has anyone had any luck returning to their “normal” level of riding without surgery? Tell me your success stories!

I have healed a herniated disc without surgery. It was L5/S1 on the right side. I had some foot drop and numbness down into my foot, but it healed up pretty well in about 4 months and I was back to riding (dressage including sitting trot) without problem. That was oh, maybe 25 years ago. It literally popped when it happened but physical therapy and massage got me through it. I found a massage therapist that would work on that area for 30 minutes twice a week. The deep tissue massage hurt like crazy but over time it I guess addressed the muscles that were angry from the nerve impingement.

Fast forward to last October and I was unloading some shaving bales (about 20 lbs) when one cart wheeled off the tailgate of the truck and stupid reflex was to twist and catch it. Bad idea. My back was sore but it wasn’t until about 2 weeks later when I was carrying a paper leaf bag full of leaves (maybe 10 lbs) about 30 feet and within 15 minutes, my left foot went numb :grief:.
I have had 2 rounds of physical therapy, a Medrol dosepak, chiro, 6 solid weeks of massage and e stim and although it has improved somewhat, the left leg is still weaker, my foot is not normal, my gait is off and I am scheduled for surgery for a microdiscectomy in July. This one (L4/5) is ‘only’ bulging but nothing seems to be getting it to unbulge. I was just ready to get back on my horse after another prolonged physical issue so…CRAP. I have been getting on anyway and just walking her around as walking absolutely doesn’t bother it and since horse and I have had so much time off, a good walking program can’t hurt either one of us. The weakness, although mild, does affect everything I do. I can walk maybe 1/2 mile until my leg gets really tired, my gait deteriorates and even if I am not hurting, I am physically pooped. I really don’t want surgery but it isn’t like I haven’t tried a host of other things. My second round of physical therapy was in the water and at least, doing that, I can exercise pretty pain free although my left leg is really tight. I am done with prescribed physical therapy but am continuing with a class in the pool twice a week. I am also doing a Body Blade workout several times a week to help my core and walking as much as I can stand as I want to be as fit as I can be before the surgery.

Since the surgery isn’t until the end of July, I keep hoping the pain and weakness with magically disappear and I can cancel it:sigh:.

So, currently I am one for two but they can heal without surgery.


6 months post-laminectomy, L4-5 compression- I am doing great! Virtually no pain and able to do things I haven’t done for over 10, in some cases 20 + years. I really have my life back. The laminectomy was a huge success. I hope you find something that helps you. I cry sometimes when I recall how my entire life was ensnared in such terrible pain. Good luck!

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This is literally what I have- good to hear that you were able to overcome it! Did you find moving onto a smooth horse helped at all? I planning on selling my very bouncy horse and move onto something more smooth. Cant imagine that wont help! I have an injection scheduled for next week. Fingers crossed that it works! So sorry to hear that you are having issues again…its so frustrating!

I rode my little Hanoverian/Arab that I had at the time and she was kind of straight shouldered so not the most elastic beast in the world. Once the disc healed, I had no pain. I am sure the disc herniated because of the stress of loading hay bales out of the field. Tossing the hay bales wasn’t when it popped though. It popped when I bent over to pick up a hose:disgust:.

I have had epidural injections and never found them to work very well for me. In fact, any steroid injection I have had never seems to work for very long but some people have good results with them. Hoping that will give you some relief.


Thanks! I just had my first injection last week. Fingers crossed that it gives me some improvement. Anyone have better luck with moving to a smoother horse, or a narrower horse?

I had exactly the same problem about 20 yrs ago. I had tiny pieces of disc moving up and down the spinal canal and had emergency surgery. Went through PT post-surgery and was back to my normal riding within 6 months. Also continued distance running for another 13-14 yrs without pain. Had to give that up because of my feet! I do have occasions when the pain returns but I use some of the PT exercises I learned and the pain disappears in a day or two.