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Laser removal of cyst in eye - experiences and costs?

I did a search but there weren’t recent topics on it that I could find. For those who have had the laser treatment done for corpora nigra cysts, what was your experience like? Did your vet do it or did the horse go to a bigger hospital? Approximately what was the cost? From what I have read complications are rare and recovery is usually only a couple of weeks. I read one paper that said that the laser could induce secondary uveitis and although I read another paper that said the laser wouldn’t and only the needle aspiration treatment would do that as it was more invasive and I’ve started to worry myself about it.

One of ours had surgery done at Auburn University for this about 3 years ago. As far as medical procedures go, it was one of the easiest I’ve had to deal with. He was at the facility for a couple of days and he ended up having cysts in both eyes so laser surgery was done on both. We spent less than $1000 and recovery was simple and uneventful. Been fine ever since. And the staff at Auburn is amazing by the way! Try not to worry. You horse will be just fine.

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I had it done at UF and it was easy. He didn’t even stay. I think he had to wear a fly mask amd perhaps stay in one night but the aftercare was easy eye meds for a few days and I think banamine.

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