Unlimited access >

Last call for the Cactuskate fund! Please mail contributions by THIS FRIDAY!

So that we can move ahead with the ad/donation to charity, if you would like to make a contribution to the “Cactuskate fund” but haven’t yet… please mail your contribution by the end of this week, Friday, May 3.

If you really, really want to send something but can’t by that date, once we decide on a charity, you can always send a check directly to them. (Or even to me for inclusion with the charity check.) Just email me if, for some reason, you want to take part but can’t send anything by Friday.

So, last call for procrastinators! Find an envelope, borrow a stamp, and get your check in the mail by the end of the week!

If you are late coming to the party, you can still email me for my address. (Or if you’ve already emailed me, but lost it. )

Thanks again to everyone who has contributed so far. We should be able to move forward on the ad very soon.

So is one of Heidi’s cheques from her and the other from Han’s?

Just Joking!!!

Or Bucksnort and Jair?

Because I’m too lazy to go searching through threads ( ) could you review the plans for the donations?

Thanks for organizing all this. And thanks to Heidi too!

“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship.”
-Louisa May Alcott

Must confess that I walked by an orthopedic shoe store today called Birkenstock, and had a momentary pang of…celebration.

Indeedie, though, 'twas Bucksnort and Tin’s cheques I received this week - so thank you both.

OK- I mailed it Saturday!


So that we can move ahead with the ad/donation to charity, if you would like to make a contribution to the “Cactuskate fund” but haven’t yet… please mail your contribution by the end of this week, Friday, May 3.

If you really, really want to send something but can’t by that date, once we decide on a charity, you can always send a check directly to them. (Or even to me for inclusion with the charity check.) Just email me if, for some reason, you want to take part but can’t send anything by Friday.

So, last call for procrastinators! Find an envelope, borrow a stamp, and get your check in the mail by the end of the week!

If you are late coming to the party, you can still email me for my address. (Or if you’ve already emailed me, but lost it. )

Thanks again to everyone who has contributed so far. We should be able to move forward on the ad very soon.


“I hold it that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing…” Thomas Jefferson

I’ll give the rep a call this week to negotiate a rate for the FP, 4/c and then Bill will get to crackin!

– Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Oh! I forgot to add… Heidi now has TWO (count 'em, TWO! ) Canadian “cheques,” so with the $1800-odd I already have, I believe we have now broken the $2000 mark.




You’ll be getting another from me in exchange for Bumpkin’s Paul Brown book

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

One last bump!

Ye olde procrastinators need to get your check in the mail today (or tomorrow at the very very latest). If you can’t do that for some reason, but still want to contribute, just let me know and we’ll work something out.

It’s still not too late to email me or Heidi for our snail-mail addresses!

Current tally: we have about $2200, from about 75 contributions. Pretty damn impressive…

where do we send them???

“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship.”
-Louisa May Alcott

Yeesh, since when does a topic get bumped to the end of page 2 in 4 hours!

ONE last reminder… there’s still time to get to the post office!

Email me for my mailing address, unless you live in Canada, and then email Heidi.

Sent mine to you yesterday, Erin… Who, procrastinate, me?

It just took me a little time to get off my butt

Although I sent a donation via a Paul Brown book I sent to ETBW who in turn sent a donation to Erin, I did finally get around to posting a cheque to Erin.

I didn’t know who to make it out to though

Boy, we have a lot of procrastinators on this board. I’ve gotten a LOT of emails in the past couple hours!

(Just giving y’all a hard time… I can procrastinate with the best of them. )

I don’t want to leave anyone out… if you’re interested, please go right ahead and email me. Don’t worry about being too late!

Did we ever find out Cactuskate’s favorite charity? Or is the BB going to vote for one?


I just haven’t been the same since that house fell on my sister.

[This message was edited by Serendipity on May. 04, 2002 at 12:52 AM.]