Lawsuit filed re: death of jumper near Aiken

I know both parties. I am not surprised by Shannon’s behavior. She left her high end hunter/jumper farm towards the end of her junior years to go to be a big fish in a smaller pond. From there, she made false claims of training horses (who were already very broke school masters). She had an arrogance about her that made her lies even more immoral.
When she aged out, she went pro instantly without a lick of experience in the real world.

Cobain was a Kyle King ISH, phenomenal jumper that miss Mennen was looking to sell. She sent him to Hat Trick where Shannon claimed him as her own, using him to gain notoriety in the show ring. All this time I had assumed it was a free lease as Shannon did whatever she pleased, and it appeared to benefit Shannon more than anyone else.
It was saddening to learn that the Mennens had paid for her services, including transitioning the horse to barrel racing, which terrified him. No wonder he stopped loading the trailer.

The photos of him hanging in his stall, bloodied and lifeless with fresh scratches on the wall are very graphic, violent, and repulsive.

For a solid year, Shannon claimed that the “accidental” death was unpreventable before speculating neighbors uncovered to truth along with other horrific abuse stories.

The article only scratches the surface and I hope to God that Shannon is held accountable.


This is sickening. Me, too.

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To clarfy. this is a part of my farrier’s comments that I did not post. In italics .

She tied the rope up high like you would tie a horse to a trailer at a show to keep them from stepping over the rope. But when you need to step away from your horse at a show there is always someone nearby to ask to keep an eye on your horse while you are gone.


I thought that the complaint said the horse had lived at Hat Trick Sporthorses for 6 years. That’s a long time to keep a sales horse. That’s also a long time for a pro to keep a horse and not fix a loading issue.


Can someone post the link to the complaint please? Or let us know where it is posted? I have no intentions of looking at photos! :pensive::broken_heart:

For those wanting to see the filing, here’s how I found it.

Go to

Click Accept
For the last name type in Mennen
Click on the case number
Click on the tab for “Actions” and on the right side of the page there will be attached documents. The filing and photos are there. Warning - the photos are in the last section where there are 3 attached documents. The first document is the filing. The other 2 are photos.

I skimmed the filing and apparently Cobain isn’t the only horse that she tied this way and left unattended.


Thank you. I read it. Poor Cobain. I can’t believe S hid the body. :broken_heart::rage:


I know he was leased out during that time frame bc he was at a farm in NC with a Jr rider.

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That is the part that I hate.

Why not tell the owner where their horse’s body is?


The entire thing is horrific.


I am appalled that she is an equestrian team coach at the university.


Me too. Sadly, IHSA teams usually have a hard time finding farms to host them because of the lack of school horses.


Because he’s probably in a landfill or a renderer and however stupid this trainer is about horse management, she’s probably just clever enough to realize that this particular truth would make things worse for her. Too bad they are plenty bad anyway (said no one ever).


Agreed. 6 years is a long time, which is also why I had assumed that the Mennens were not paying anything and that it was a care lease to benefit only shannon in her new business start.

The horse never had previous loading issues. Probably only had trouble loading that day, as she changed him to barrel racing gear with a very sharp hackabit.


If they don’t tell
He can’t be dug up for a necropsy


Why would a trainer switch a horse from jumping to barrel racing???


She is no longer employed by the university and no longer associated with the IHSA team in anyway.


Yeah… I’m sorry, but no. The horse was tied to the top of the stall. I’m sure it got some slack when it was thrashing about given all the gore in those photos, but I would be willing to bet it was even tighter. I believe accounts that the horse could barely touch the ground. Those photos are heinous, which is an understatement. What a sorry excuse for a horse trainer. She doesn’t deserve to have these animals in her life. I hope the horse/owner get the justice they deserve.

ETA: There are literal chunks of wood taken out of the wall on the sides of the stall. To me, that checks out that the horse was hanging and thrashing against the wall.

ETA again… in the photo (from inside the stall), there is a very large loop that in theory would have been head level with the horse’s horses head had he been standing. The knot is located closer to the chin of the horse. This makes me believe even more that in all of his struggling, he managed to work the lead to the position we see in the photo. Idiot or not, I don’t know anyone who ties a lead with the knot at the chin, with a huge loop for the horse to sick their head through to get into trouble. To me, it was tied much higher/tighter than the photo makes it appear.


Right? My reaction ran the spectrum from “whut” to “WTAF.”


He was the one insulting the entire h/j world and the way “we” train our horses. I did not say a word as he mostly just talked over me anyway. I just wanted the shoe on, and to leave.

As someone who has worked at the top level in both showjumping and western, I can without a doubt say I saw some of the most horrific treatment of (especially young) horses in the latter world.

Also a great way to limit your business as a person who depends on word of mouth (and quality work, of course).

Rtrd was the word he used. First time meeting him. Incredibly charming /s