Layup farms in KY, TN, GA, IL, IN-recommendations?

Looking for recommendations for short-term layup/rehab facility in the Midwest-ish area. Horse has severe soft tissue injury and good rehab is difficult to do in the Chicago winters. The facility doesn’t need to be fancy as long as it’s safe, with meticulous care and professional, knowledgable staff.

Kesmarc is in Ky. I’ve done lay ups/rehabilitation for Rood and Riddle but I have no room. Hopefully someone else will chime in w something closer for you.
I’m sorry this happened to you.

Thank you! I’m willing to ship her wherever is the best fit. Unfortunately this isn’t my first rodeo with soft tissue rehab and I know how difficult it is to do on your own, in the winter, trying to work around people using the indoor, with a fire-breathing dragon. I’d rather put her somewhere that gives her the best shot at a full recovery–she is young and such a good girl–worth the effort. I do have an email in to KESMARC too!

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I’ve been there… it is an impressive facility. I only know of one horse who went there-I don’t remember the reason- but he returned to work.

Another vote from Kesmarc from me. Everyone I know who has sent a horse there has been pleased with the services and expertise they provide.

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Thank you! KESMARC is high on my list. Also wondering if anyone has any experience with Apple Ridge Farms Rehab/Dr. Larkspur Carroll?

Lark does our chiropractic work and she’s excellent. I’ve never been to her farm (she comes to tracks and training centers and works on horses there) but I would absolutely recommend her.

@LaurieB thank you so much!

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