Left hip higher than right/SI joint diagnosis

I was just recently diagnosed with SI joint dis-function and it was also discovered that my left hip is higher then my right.

Has anyone had a similar problem and have they ever been able to even out their hips?

It is painful for me to sit, walk, stand and lay down. Horse back riding can irritate it or make it feel better depending on the day.

The doctor might be injecting my back I won’t know until my appointment in a few weeks.

I will be in physical therapy and I am already not allowed to ride due to my shoulder injury. But I wanted to know if there is something I can do on my own to help my back/hip.

I would start with a good chiro in addition to a good PT. That is a pretty common problem. My PT taught my daughter how to adjust my sacrum as in my case it needs to be done about five times per day.

My left hip is always higher than my right.:slight_smile: No ones back is perfect. I go to chiro weekly. No pain. Does not hurt to ride.

Same with me, one hip has always been high. It’s annoying if I’m trying to find a dress. I usually go with princess seams rather than something with a waistline. It’s not been a problem riding. My lower back was grumpy for a week or so after I dug up my shrubs and yard…but I think it would have hurt if my hips were even.

I wear a heel lift on the ‘shorter’ side. Helps keep the SI pain WAAAYYY down!

I also have sacrum issues and my hips want to be uneven. My PT showed me a very simple exercise to help ease and realign them. I think it’s going to be a life-long issue.

My left hip was also higher than the right and had similar problems like you describe. Once a month I was going to the chiro and a massage to readjust. Every time it was the same adjustment so my massage therapist recommended muscle restructuring. It not only improved my posture but now the hip problem is also gone.

I have this same problem. I had the epidural injections and the follow up pt and got relief. In fact I only needed 2 out of the three injections. I do not ride because as a firefighter I can’t risk hurting it and being unable to work.

I use a heal lift in the right shoe. I have arthritis in the left hip now. My hip is getting injected this week and I’m doing PA. Traction really helps as well as cold packs after physical activity.

All you guys with the wonderful PTs who show you how to fix it, share!!! My chiro just pops mine back in with the table thingy. It works fine, but at 70$ a pop if there is a home fix I would love to know! I always feel so much better when it is back in.


sacro-wedgy sometimes,

you can try some of these (probably helps to not have as much butt as I do…):

or sometime you just gotta get it popped…

I thought my hips were uneven, my Osteopath said it was Periformis Syndrome… but nothing was helping so my husband finally made me insist on an MRI. My Osteopath agreed but promised me they would find nothing. I had 80% of my disc between L5 and S1 herniated, I saw a very good spinal surgeon who said it was one of the worst herniations he had ever seen and had me in surgery within 24 hours. Point being, get imaging done… it is not that expensive and had I continued with the alternative treatments, I could be paralyzed. I should also point out that I had the surgery 3 weeks ago and am no longer in pain and my hips feel even again.