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Leroidesanimaux Mare "Guanabara Gal" at Bowie Auction

Thank you Jesus and DaveYGunN! My neighbor and I have been praying for her. WAY too nice a horse to slaughter. Like—there’s not even any meat on her. You can see the intelligence and sweetness in the pics and video and she’s a way decent mover too. Thank you!


I’m so thrilled you rescued her! @skydy noted her presence in the sale on a different thread, and I looked her up in pedigree query. She does have a very nice pedigree for sport, and sure looked like a quiet and good minded girl in that sale situation.

Please do post pictures and share about how she’s doing. Bless you for saving her. She’s been on my mind.

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Now THIS is the COTH community I love to see!!


This is such great news!
I wonder if her daughter, mentioned in the video, had a soft landing?


Not glamorous shots but the girls have arrived!



Oh my word. Poor mares. They look like they are coat racks under their blankets.

Again… I’m so glad you stepped in. :heart:


We have so much planned for them–They will be back to a good weight as soon as possible. They are both the SWEETEST girls you could ever hope for. The smaller one is a piggy! All she wants to do is eat (understandably). The gentle giant is HUGEEEE and soooo darn sweet. She already lets us hug and kiss her! We are soooo excited to have them in our family. They are old enough to be mature but should live a long LONG time still with us. They have certainly found their FOREVER homes! Tonight after school, my daughter and I are going shopping again for them! hehe These girls are going to be the most loved horses in Pennsylvania :slight_smile:


Good luck to you and your daughter. I hope she really enjoys the process of getting them back to good health with you. The teenage TB broodmare you just got really does have a nice walk and pedigree. I hope you all really enjoy her :slight_smile:


Do you have a PayPal or Venmo? DM me (or I can DM you if you can’t figure it out). I’m here for my dribble.

Thank you for picking her up. What have you decided to call her and her daughter?


Venmo is @daveygunn Any donations will go specifically to these girls & I’ll be happy to post pics of what we purchased for them with any funds received. We are a middle class, rural family of 4 so anything extra that folks can donate would be appreciated. Also, if you aren’t in a position to donate, that’s totally fine too. I’m so glad we found this group. I feel like we have others out there to share in our joy of saving these beauties! :heart_eyes:


@beowulf The names we settled on are Honey (Smaller Girl) and Bonnie (Bigger Girl)


Thank goodness, I was worried about her!

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I sent you some money via Venmo but do you need stable or turnout sheets/blankets for them? If so can you measure and figure out their sizes and please PM me your address? I have plenty of blankets and sheets in all different sizes and can send you something if you need clothing for these horses!


Just sent a bit for treats or whatever the girls need.


Got it! Thank you so much! More updates coming soon. This morning they were super cute and in great spirits for having made the long trip from TX to PA. I appreciate you all so much!


I’m glad you got them out of the auction. Have you had a vet out to see them yet?

Are you familiar with how to feed horses that are in that condition? There are people here that can help you learn how to do it without causing problems for the horses. Too much hard feed given too quickly can make them ill.


Have a call into the local vet. It should be happening within a week.

We are newbies but have some horse friends we can ask. My daughter has been riding horses 2 lessons per week for about 2 years. With that being said, we are certainly open to suggestions & advice.


@Heinz_57 @JB and @moonlitoaksranch are all very well versed in equine nutrition and the feeding of very thin horses.

Hopefully they will come here and give you some advice.


Here is an old thread about feeding the neglected horse for you to read. Recommended Supplements for the Neglected Horse
Even though it is an older thread, you can reply to it if you have any questions.

It really is important that you don’t “kill them with kindness” when you feed very thin horses. Hopefully there is enough information there to guide you with feeding your new horses.

Be sure to get the vet out, they’ll tell you if the horses are OK to be wormed now, and can recommend what vaccinations they may need. Best wishes for you, your family and your new charges going forward. :blush: