No, I am not.
However, I’ve had over 20+ years of IT experience working to help customers solve problems
No, I am not.
However, I’ve had over 20+ years of IT experience working to help customers solve problems
The problem is with the website. Perhaps you could offer your services to coth.
The site is unusable with the dog food ad running. Which is exactly what I posted in a different thread–2 replies before the Mod replied saying they are trying to ID the problem ad(s). Perhaps reading the replies would be helpful to Mod.
Considering coth’s obsession with keeping things horse related–why in the world are they accepting dog food ads that render their site unusable–defies reasonable explanation. What the heck is going on with coth these days?
“acting like a virus” isn’t helpful, that’s what she’s trying to get at. What does that mean? Windows close? Random window appear? Weird things pop up? Screens freeze or change colors or go blank? Do you get redirected to another site? Does the https at the top change to http?
“acting like a virus” isn’t much more helpful than “my computer isn’t working” or “my horse is acting weird”
AdSense is not specific to a site. It uses cookies to see what sort of things people have been searching for, and even what’s being discussed in a thread, and displays ads related to that. Humera isn’t horse-related either, but I bet many people who see that ad (I don’t, but now that I’ve mentioned it, maybe I will!) have searched for it, or mentioned something related to what it can help with, or discussed one of those things with someone else, somewhere else.
@Moderator 1 - not sure if this helps, but I’ve noticed my screen (and usually my entire computer) will freeze while I get in the lower left corner “Waiting for” Every time I get this site “not responding” (the message up top), I will see that down below.
I am not having any problems at all. My computer is not much better than a brick. Am using Chrome and an ad blocker. The ad blocker is essential for me to browse the Internet.
The advertising department and the development team are both working on a solution to the AdSense video issues. Nobody expects our users to have to endure that type of non-performance on the site. We hope to have a resolution soon, and we apologize for the problems.
Thanks – I’ll pass that information along!
Just giving notice, that ad is back and up to it’s tricks, the pages jumping.
That is a pesky ad, is it.
I KNEW it - now I am getting the Humera ad too! :lol: :lol: :mad: And it’s doing its nasty thing, but I do realize it’s AdSense video ads, not Humera specifically.
I don’t get why the consultants (Jelsoft?) who handled the switch didn’t deal w the beta testing.
Now users are charged w reporting ads to mods and various members are taking on troubleshooting and user support?
Fwiw Zulily ads are not annoying and they persist. So visit their site, click around and populate your COTH experience w their stuff instead of the nasty dog food and smartpak ads.
It’s not the ad subject which is the issue. It’s the source of the ads. AdSense will just as easily screw up performance with a Zulily ad as a Rav4 or Humera or whatever else they have going on.
Not my experience but whatever.
No need to get snippy
We are all seeing different ads. I was only seeing the video ads for Rav4, until I mentioned the Humera, and now I see that ad too. The ads which slide in and out - Adequan/Luitpold is a big one, playing right now, I see it all the time - have, so far, never disrupted things.
The Chronicle Headlines fade in fade out ads don’t cause issues.
I have Lululemon and a roofing company ad showing. I’ve never researched roofing, but people with barns need roofs, so… People with horses usually have dogs, so…
I even have and AdSense ad up right now, but it’s not a video, it’s a slide show sort of thing, and for CitiBank -people with horses use credit cards.
Edited to add - the AdSense slide show does not appear to cause issues. It’s just, apparently, their video ads. Not sure if that helps anything @Moderator 1
Now that I have mentioned, used the word porn. It will be interesting to see what kind of adds will be popping up on my screen.
I must say that I have not had the jumping around hitchiness in at least a week. So, that’s good.
BUT - all this week, this site has been the cause of great hair loss here. For most of the day that I come and go, until about late afternoon, this site is the sole cause of slowing down my computer, and being totally unresponsive. I only get the unresponsive issues about this site, which then makes the rest of my browser windows unusable at worst, maddening slow at best.
Kill this window? It’s all back to normal.
And it all starts when I see this site waiting for one ad site or another.