Let Me Know When You Get the Site Fixed

Wish I could just say “Send me an e-mail when you get the kinks out of the COTH website.” Every day there’s a new problem. Tonight it’s the pages jumping all over the place and not staying still long enough for me to post. It took several minutes to post one reply and several more to start a new thread.

Most days the problem is I can’t scroll through a thread or move up and down it. Tonight that’s all the pages are doing. Scrolling and rolling. And just as I’m typing the page whites out and either reloads itself or just zaps out on me.

It’s like trying to catch a greased pig.

Seems that started with only some affected, now more are.
It started a day ago, for me, is getting worse.
Try navigating thru that with funky fuzzy double eyesight problems, crazy.

There is something causing that instability.
They are working on it, started doing so when this started.
I expect those working on this are plenty frustrated also.

I’m experiencing it too… REALLY irritating.

Yes, this has gotten worse.

If it helps the Mods help the developers, I can say that so far, the Adequan/Luitpold moving ad, and the Pyranha Fly Mask moving ad don’t seem to affect things. But, they appear to be more like a slide show than a video.

I have found 100% that when an Ad Choice video ad starts up, things bottom out with all the issues described so far - jumpy typing a reply, jumping back up to the ad constantly, etc.

I’ve seen a lot of “waiting for pxmoatads” showing up in the lower left of my screen.

No doubt they are. But we didn’t ask them to change sites, or servers, or web hosts, or whatever they did to change from the old site and format to this new crap. And now we’re having to try to deal with it. Yes, I know it’s free. But all these problems seemed to start with the new site.

Edited to add (since today it is actually letting me edit) – why do I keep having the page blocked by this d*** pop-up ad wanting me to get 4 free issues? I just want to be able to access the website!


Try using Mozilla with an adblocker plug in. If you don’t know how to get that PM me i will walk you through. Ive found minimal issues that way, the ads are definitely causing instability with the format.

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Having same issues page jumps around while scrolling. When replying to a thread it goes blank then reloads and reloads. Then my reply disappears extremely frustrating. Sometimes I try again sometimes I just give up. Then the page will freeze up wont scroll up or down.

Device makes no difference desktop, laptop or phone. Dont have these issues on any other site just this site.


Tazycat, see the reply above yours… ad related. May want to look into installing an ad blocker.

Yeah, me too. All kinds of problems. And I have never been able to pm since the new format.
What is really weird, and I think it is happening to just me as no one else has complained about it, is what seems to be the “missing” thread thing. All of a sudden a thread will show
up that has been around for DAYS and has had a lot of activity, yet I have never seen it. Entire train wrecks have happened and I have missed them! What is going on with that?

Did the Ad blocker So far no going blank. Time will tell if it works.

I wonder if they are getting a handle on that glitch, since I have not changed anything and have not had any more jumping page problems this afternoon.

Hope they don’t come back.

Before I blocked ads I was having issues. Page jumping around freezing up. And replys disappearing page reloading &reloading. I did ad blocker on phone no more issues. Tried forums before ad blocker page kept freezing up or jumping around. Replying was at best difficult.

I haven’t done any ad blocking and yes, this evening seems better but I also haven’t seen the freakin’ Humira ad either so don’t know if the COTH developers made changes or that ad just hasn’t shown up again by magic :slight_smile:

Going to have to try an ad blocker, it’s randomly playing video ads that I can hear but not see, so I can’t even turn it off/stop it. Incredibly frustrating!

It is beyond annoying. Between the ads, the disappearing replies, I’ve mostly wandered off. It’s sad that users need to figure out a new configuration of software/plug ins etc just because vBulletin is so whacked.

@Rackonteur getting a note when things are functioning again would be nice :lol:

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I use AD-BLOCKER Ultimate. It might be worth a look for Mozilla users.

On mobile, I don’t have an adblocker and yeah, the page is very unstable.

Yes, I had this issue too! I was at work and wondering where the sound was coming from as I couldn’t see the ad to turn it off. I finally had to just mute the tab.

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Visiting coth makes my PC act like it has a virus. I would expect these issues if this were some sketchy site I were visiting.

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FWIW, a more detailed description of what you’re seeing helps us know if this is a known issue or not.

I have no idea what ‘acting like it has a virus’ really means as different viruses cause different problems. :slight_smile:

Are you a Mod?