Let's Meet (part 3?)

Hi all, this is my first BB, I am not a refugee from another BB. 6 years ago, after graduating from law school, I took this whole horse obsession back up. Started out leasing, moved on to my own OTT TB, extensive training, showing . . . I’ve tried to explain to my boyfriend that I didn’t start out with a board bill bigger than my mortgage.

Anyway, my OTT TB started his second career with me as a hunter but quickly switched to jumpers after we realized that line-diagonal-line left too much room for the runaway truck mentality to kick in, the turns slow us down. We haven’t shown much yet but plan on it.

Two questions from this newby – how do you quote sections of prior text in your entry? how do you get those oh so cute smiley faces in the text?

I honestly can’t recall if I’ve ever formally introduced myself here, but that may just be a middle-age brain fart. So here goes, everything (ha!) you wanted to know about rescuemom but were afraid to ask. I’m a 47 yr. old dressage rider who also likes to jump. I got back into horses at the beginning of my “mid-life crisis” at 40 by taking tons of lessons at a large local lesson barn, and then by also becoming involved with Days End Farm Horse Rescue http://www.defhr.org (hence the board name). My involvement with Days End consists of being a director, as well as volunteer work with the difficult horses, sort of an internet liaison, and whatever else needs doing.

My first horse, an OTTB, was adopted from Days End and I lost him way too young to colic. He was an awesome friend and I miss him still. My current horse is a “freebie” that Days End did not have room for because she was not in imminent danger. Ivy is a 12 yr. old Nat’l Show Horse, trained in dressage. She is sweet, smart, psycho, and came with the added surprise bonus of navicular syndrome. Prev. owner: “Oh, she’s never been lame before!” I have found a wonderful farrier and we are making progress. In addition to her other “attributes”, Ivy is actually pretty talented at dressage.

I have a non-horsey SO of 23 years, as well as 3 cats, a rescued JRT, and another Dog of Indeterminate Breeding. As noted in another thread, I bite the heads off marshmallow peeps. I work for lawyers in Wash. DC to support my horse habit (and life in general). Oh, and I garden and knit in my spare time.

[This message has been edited by rescuemom (edited 10-17-2000).]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maria:
[B]HI!!! I’m obviously Maria and I’m a horseaholic and I too hope to someday pee in peace.


ROTFL!!! Boy do I remember those days!!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by C.Boylen:
Hi, I’m Chanda. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

YAYAYAYA! Banana is here! Banana needs to post more

Jair, are you planning a saltwater or freshwater aquarium???

In an otherwise straightforward cat care book, I came upon the following phrase: “Cats are profoundly unmoved by the work ethic.” Keep this in mind…

And, when “your” cat says, “everything here belongs to me”, you may respond, “call me when you can use the can opener”. They don’t like this, but can’t come up with a suitable reply–try to use that moment to your advantage…

Nancey (recently adopted by a new kitty)

I’m on thread one and too lazy to retype…the history is still applicable anyway…

DMK, I’ve had the Sheer White Drapes for many years. Because my cats recognize me as One of Their Own, they have no interest in the drapes other than as a screen between them and the JRT. Sadly, the JRT and the Sheer White Drapes is another, and uglier, story.

Portia, really??? What a small world! I met someone on a JRT site recently who also works in the HO, and my partner is in the int’l section.

Neat idea

O.k, where to start…my name is Jaded (or TinCan which I want to change back to…), I’m 20 and I live in warn sunny lol Ontario, Canada and own Tin Can Cody an 8 year old 16hh appendix QH bay (gee, you wouldn’t have guess QH from that name huh?). My sister owns 3 other horses, Taylor, Brie and Reggier.
Taylor is a resell mare who we got out of a nasty home, she’s an 15.3hh 10 year old TB mare; bay with a star. She’s mine to work with.
Brie is a 17hh Sport horse mare (TB/WB) who is a 6 year old bay (star and two socks) 6 1/2 months in foal to a jumper stallion.
The last is Reggie, he’s the newest and is a 17hh TB/WB bay, 8 years old with a start and a white smear on his hind left.

I ride hunter/jumper on the various levels (nothing major, I have no money) and I teach part time (beginners and nvices) on Tin and a pony I lease. I don’t have a lot of time lately because of school (archtecture) but I fit everyone in :slight_smile:

Feel free to e-mail me and/or check out my website (e-mails on it) http://www.collectabay.homestead.com/main.html
beware it’s in the works

Also something about me that you may or may not have figured out already is that I can go on and on and on and on and on and on…

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JB:
Ok Jair, DMK, “stuff” has been sent (thanks for pointing me in the “interests” section!). They may take a while to download, but trust me (Right Coug??) they are well worth it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

ROTFLMAO I almost cried I was laughing so hard about the “shampoo” part…

Ok, ok, so we all know me. Yes, i’m not quite as infamous as Duffy, you’d all better just own up to knowing who I am, cuz well…

Anyhow, for those who aren’t so fortunate to be in the know, I’m Becca, and I’m 17. I show hunter/ jumper, and own a mess of beautiful beasties (To see an old non-updated page of them http://www.geocities.com/r_payson )

But lets see…I’m me…very opinionated, and not easily intimidated (unless you bring a moth into the picture. Then I’m out the window).

And all your lurkers had better speak up. Everyone here is wonderful and awesome. I have made some of the most incredible friends here.

Well, you two (RumoursFollow & VTrider) should definitely meet, (say I, who have met both of you)!! Not only do you have great taste in jewelry , but you’re both very nice young ladies.

I love the cat stuff on here!! I have two calico’s: Domino and Dumpling. Domino is my mighty huntress and I inherited Dumpling from my sister after she died. Dumpling was found with her mother and the rest of her litter by a dumpster near Kings Dominion.

[This message has been edited by Duffy (edited 10-18-2000).]


I’m in college at Clemson with ClemsonRider although I do not ride on the Equestrian Team this year. I’m a political science - communications double major… and I take waayyyy too much French. LOL

I grew up in Gainesville, GA and rode there until I went to college 2 years ago. I grew up riding random horses and showing mostly in TN and the carolinas… riding some jumpers and stuff for a woman who was nice enough to provide me with things to ride… and various other people chipped in. I had my own junior hunter when I was 17 and a Childrens Jumper/Eq horse my last junior year.

Now that I’m in my sophomore year of college, I dont ride as much… I’m hoping to get out of school and get married and then pick up riding like I did as a junior. Right now its pretty hard. I’m not engaged… but you might as well say I am

My horse, Rumours Follow, lives in Bealeton, VA with my now trainer. My family has a house up there in Catlett, and I was living there working this summer and fell in love with zone 3 and its people so I’m hooked for life. I plan to work in DC and all when I graduate.

I show in the Adult Hunters (youngers) with Rumour, who, is the 2nd love of my life I bought him from the place I worked at this summer, and he’s 6 and hadnt been to any rated shows when I got him. In fact his first rated show was Upperville. Which he was a saint at because he is truly the perfect amateur horse. Not that I’m biased I hope to move up and do the AOs in FL this coming year, but since my riding time is very limited… I’m not sure if that will happen or not. Regardless, Rumie will do the 1st Years with a pro.

I’m absolutely addicted to the Chronicle, both here and on paper. I got hooked quite a few years ago and havent turned away since. I guess you could call me an addict, but I doubt I’m the only one

Anyway, I have some pictures of Rumour and my other past horses… if you’d like to see them… here’s the address. http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumIndex?u=1171572&a=8623571

[This message has been edited by RumoursFollow (edited 10-17-2000).]

Duffy - are you calico’s as possesive as mine is? I hear that is a “thing” with them, and so far, everyone I’ve met says that.

Jair, DMK, have no fear, more stuff is on it’s way. DMK - did you get the graphics? I couldn’t sent them to Jair.

MAJOR CONGRATS, Kryswyn on your JRT’s fabulous showings at Nationals!!! I’ve met Siren and she is absolutely gorgeous!! Pepper thought so too!!!

Hi, I’ve been reading this BB for a few months and have really been enjoying it. This seemed like a good chance to jump in and get my feet wet. My name is Barb and I live in the wilds of N.E. Vermont. Not exactly a hotbed of equestrian activity ! I’m 46 (can I join the over 40 clique?) married (non horsey husband , he’s a dairy farmer) have 3 great kids (the older 2 are off to college and haven’t ridden in a long time, the youngest is 13 and eats ,sleeps and breaths horses) At least I have one horsey child, she’s a good excuse to go to shows. I have a boarding stable, run a lesson program , am co-leader of a 4-H club (most of the kids in the club are my lesson kids, only a few have their own horses) My list of horses is a little long but here goes:
Abbey aka Black Points Rissie Go Bragh, my own personal horse , 8 yr old 15.2h (with shoes) TB/Conn cross. Dark bay with a little white, we’ve done a little hunters and alittle very low level eventing, She’s at her best on an outdoor course where she can gallop at her fences. This summer she has been busy being a mom to
Aurora 4 1/2 month old 3/4 Conn filly. Very dark bay, very sweet, loves people and growing like a weed (must be the 1/4 TB) She belongs to my daughter Robin and hopefully will be her show horse someday.
Marble 13 yr old Appy mare, Robin’s current horse. Very unusual coloring, base coat of white , chestnut stockings and ears, mottled chestnut areas on the rest of her body. Definatly want to make a good first impression on the judge because they are unlikely to forget her.
Corrigan,Rusty,Fawn,Cider,Widget,Charisma , school horses and ponies of varying sizes and ages (8 - 35) All great animals and very tolerant of their riders, nothing fancy but great to learn on.
I have a great time keeping up here with what’s going on in the rest of the world.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by LCR Scott:
My daughter starts taking riding lessons this sunday and I am very excited, although I think it is my asthmatic son that is going to love it more. He has that passion for animals where she is more reserved.


Do you think we were separated at birth? Or perhaps ours sons were. My three-year-old seems identical to yours - down to the asthma. Although he seems fine around horses, and has never had an attack at the barn, do wonder how many riders out there suffer from the same thing. I know that asthmatics shouldn’t be excluded from physical exercise but I do worry.

Hi Emma1 - Welcome!

To get the quote, instead of hitting the “post reply” button, click on the the small icon to the extreme right above the post of the person whom you wish to quote. Their text will then appear within your reply window.

To get the smiley icons, once you’ve hit “post reply”, look over to the left of the “reply window” and you’ll see a little blue legend called “Smilies Legend” click on it, and it will give you all the different faces and how to use them!.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jair:

Oh – and I belong to both the VA and CA/Westcoast cliques. (and the Canadian one as well if it exists ) Guess that makes me a man of many cliques!! LOL!

Kennett Square, Jair is spreading himself pretty thin! Here I thought that he was pining away up there in the great north.

I have been “lurking” over at E-search for a long time now, posting occasionally, but I got sick of them deleting me, forcing me to change names, etc., so I thought I’d see what’s going on over here. I’m glad I did too!
Anyway, I’m 17 and a senior in high school. I live in Michigan, in a suburb of Detroit. (Detroit has some big problems, but where I live is nice!) I was 1/2 leasing a TB gelding for a long time, and then I had a really cool horse on trial to buy, but now I’m just horse-less. (Stupid vet-check rained on my parade!!) So, lately I’ve just been bumming rides off of friends while I (half-heartedly) horse-hunt. What a chore!
Next year I will either attend Michigan State University or Notre Dame, if I have a horse-MSU, if I don’t- ND. My parents say the school should come first, but they just don’t understand my priorities.
Other fast facts about me: I have a dog and a guinea pig, I play the piano and French horn, and my least favorite question is, “what are your plans for the future?”

Jair, Jair, Jair. When are you going to learn, as DMK said, that the cat DOES own the house, you, and eveything in it??! It is HIS chair, HIS side of the bed (yes, the whole side), and he DOES have the right to walk under your feet and DEMAND that he not be stepped on! If you do, well, that is your own damn fault! ROTFL!! If you don’t mind, I shall send you a couple of e-mail that will really tell you what cats are all about!

Ok, in the meanwhile, I for sure can’t remember if I ever formally introduced myself on any past “let’s meet” thread, so here I am:

35, but still get carded at the liquor store, been riding for 25 years. Got my first horse (JB, TB gelding) 11 years ago almost to the day. He’s 16 now, and been a most wonderful gentleman all these years. Well, after he grew up - I used to go out and ride with the thought not of “Will he buck today?” but with the thought “When will he buck today?”

My other horse is a 2.5yo Oldenburg gelding whom I sat on for the 2nd time Sunday evening. He’s by Pikor, out of a West Coast mare, and I got him as a 5 month old weanling. Sweet as cherry pie.

I do hunters, but dabble in dressage for the obvious benefits. JB and I did our first little jumper course this summer, and had a blast. But, unless I can work a miracle, or something close to it, he won’t be jumping for much longer.

I also have 2 cats, a tortie and a calico, who are queens of the abode. In my spare time (ya, right) I love to garden.

I lurk, I live to lurk…I have 2 mares and I hope to make one of them my jumper. I live on 19 acres in Texas and am fairly isolated so I really enjoy the antics of the board-sometimes, I feel like an anthropologist observing a foreign culture when I read about the VA clique! I’m 45 years old and surrounded by various animals out here-I generally prefer them to most of the people I run into anyway.