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Let's Meet (part 3?)

Okay, is anyone else having problems keeping all these E-Searchers straight?

Since we seem to have a ton of new faces around here recently, I thought it was about time to revisit the famous “Let’s Meet” thread, and its sequel, from way back at the beginning of the year.

For historical reference (and to save typing for those of us who have already introduced ourselves!), here are the two older threads:



Hopefully this will keep everyone busy for a while. The chief cat herder needs some time off!

Ok Jair, DMK, “stuff” has been sent (thanks for pointing me in the “interests” section!). They may take a while to download, but trust me (Right Coug??) they are well worth it.

OOPS!! Didn’t see this thread before I started mine with the esearch intros - sorry for any confusion! But I’m glad to see this one - I must’ve missed it before.


What a trip down memory lane. I remember you and your sister’s names from my stint in the NW. Did you ride with Claudia & Jay Campf.

Isn’t it depressing that Sunwood, Ridgecrest and Ridgeview are no more. I understand it is all housing developments. Don Kerron has moved to Bend/Redmond area as well as many of the H/J trainers.

I rode in the early '80’s in Eugene for a short while with Vicki Zacharias. I ran into her at Indio 2 years ago. We had a good time. She has her own barn now, Rain Creek in Oregon City area.

Anyway thanks for the tour, some great shots. Wasn’t Jimi Rabinsky the greatest?

Well I’m not taking to time to see if I post on the other let’s meet thread. I have to read 4 chapters for my film test tomorrow so time is limited!

Anyway, I’m a college student. I don’t have a clue what I’m going to major or minor in, and now I’m think school is going to be an endless wasteland for me for the next 5 or 6 years. I have 3 horses at the moment. My show horse is draft cross with the heart gold. We we’re doing the A/A jumpers this year. This season we are moving up to the lows, and if the lead change situation works out maybe the A/O hunters. My second horse is a 2 y/o paint. She a project and hopefully will make a nice hunter someday. Third horse belongs to my mom, but I do all the care and riding so I guess she’s mine. She a t.b and flakey at all times. Well thats about it.

Oh if anyone wants to be in the New MidWest clique please sign up here!

[This message has been edited by Smiles (edited 10-16-2000).]

Earth To? – You need to meet BobO. He lives in Boston and he and Mrs. Bob also ride together, with sort of a similar story to yours.

Then there’s one of our newer gentlemen, Si, who is English and hunts with his wife – um, that is, he hunts along with his wife. He’s made it pretty clear he uses a horse for the actual hunting.

[/B]Now that I’m in my sophomore year of college, I dont ride as much… I’m hoping to get out of school and get married and then pick up riding like I did as a junior. Right now its pretty hard. I’m not engaged… but you might as well say I am

Ahhhh weddings!!! I’m addicted! My roomate this summer got me started…we always bought wedding magazines…Martha Stewart Wedding and Southern Living Wedding were the BEST!! I’ve got everything for my wedding picked out…except the man!!! Can anyone give me a little help on this one?!?

Thanks for the good idea Nancy - shrimp, lobsters etc. would be very interesting. Although in that case, is would be my s/o who would have his “paw” in the tank !

I must say I never thought I’d get so much info about cats on a horsey board! Thanks for the support! I will look for that book DMK. Morris probably has it in his bookshelf…

Hey Duffy - don’t supposed you could post a pix of Dumpling? I love the sound of him - what a great name!

BTW - Welcome! to all the new members who are introducing themselves!!!

Wow, welcome everybody! No wonder there have been soo many new threads over the weekend – I’ve been going nuts trying to catch up!! I like it!!

I’m an adult amateur & ride at a hunter/jumper sales barn. I don’t do many rated shows, but do some local showing occasionally & I organize the schooling shows that we have at our barn two or three times a year.

Glad to meet everyone – and thanks for coming to our board!!

Welcome, RuralRider! But of course, you may join the over 40 clique!!! The more, the merrier!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by heidi:
Do you think we were separated at birth? Or perhaps ours sons were. My three-year-old seems identical to yours - down to the asthma. Although he seems fine around horses, and has never had an attack at the barn, do wonder how many riders out there suffer from the same thing. I know that asthmatics shouldn’t be excluded from physical exercise but I do worry. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Make that triplets. My 11 year old son who rides suffered dreadfully from asthma when he was young. Luckily he doesn’t get too bad when he rides…he’d still ride even if he was turning blue, poor kid.

Sorry we’re going off topic. Hi my name is…

HSM - yes, I did. When the big question was what to name the new football team, someone called up a radio station and suggested the Rons, as in Baltimore Rons…I thought it was pretty clever.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jair:
[B]Unfortunately I donÂ’t have a dog like some of you (although IÂ’d dearly love a German Shepherd!) but my partner has a big tabby cat that doesnÂ’t like me, which makes life interesting, and as a hobby I am currently in the process of starting an Aquarium. Which will be totally cool!

Oh – and I belong to both the VA and CA/Westcoast cliques. (and the Canadian one as well if it exists ) Guess that makes me a man of many cliques!! LOL![/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Jair, first and foremost, youforgot the Nordies Shopping and Chocolate Consuming Clique, which might be the most important of all!

Second… please let us know if your partner’s cat develops an affection for your aquarium

LOL! I totally know what you mean DMK! At least now anyways. I have never lived with a cat before, and used to laugh at people telling their “cat stories” not believing a word, but now I know differently (and have the scratches to proove it!) Its unreal how they really think they are in charge of the house.

Obviously, my scratches are a clear sign that I am not always in agreement with this philosophy

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jair:
Have to find a way to convince the cat that it actually belongs to his owner, so he won’t dare touch it… yeah right. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Jair, you mean you haven’t learned yet that the house belongs to the cat, and he just lets you live with him??

Jair, DMK, et al., I hiss at you! You are stuck on that lowly human plane! My cats and I have achieved perfect harmony and they understand that it is their house when I am away, and my house when I am there, and that only the Jack Russell can affect this chi. How was this harmony achieved you ask? Simply. My cats no longer see me as their human slave, but as the Really Big Cat who fills the cat dishes, and always knows who was on the counter despite the solid wall between us. One must become a cat to understand the Cat Way of Things.

[This message has been edited by rescuemom (edited 10-18-2000).]

Okay, is anyone else having problems keeping all these E-Searchers straight?

Since we seem to have a ton of new faces around here recently, I thought it was about time to revisit the famous “Let’s Meet” thread, and its sequel, from way back at the beginning of the year.

For historical reference (and to save typing for those of us who have already introduced ourselves!), here are the two older threads:



Hopefully this will keep everyone busy for a while. The chief cat herder needs some time off!

Well, I’ve been posting off and on since last spring, but have never formally introduced myself, so here goes…

Definitely one of the “over 40 clique”, I showed equitation, hunters and occasionally junior jumpers in Oregon, Washington and California in the late 60’s and early 70’s.

Went to college in Southern California, moved to the San Jose area after graduating and have been here ever since. Married to a non-horsey lawyer who has become a show jumping fan…still working on getting him interested in hunters or dressage, though

I’ve worked since college handling workers’ compensation claims, but am currently taking some time off, and really enjoying it. I no longer show, and don’t have a horse, but am satisfying my “horsie fix” through this bb, and spectating at various Northern California horse shows.

Besides horses, some of my other interests are reading, gardening, collecting old horse books, doing needlepoint, sports (I’m a major 49er, Giants and UCLA Bruin fan) and playing with our black lab Lucy.

I’ve met a number of wonderful people through this bb, but most specially, bumpkin. I got to meet her in person when we were on vacation in Washington in May, and am now vicariously enjoying her adventures with her wonderful new horse, “elliOTT the electrician”!! We’re hoping to do a road trip to Spruce Meadows to watch the North American show in July, which should be awesome if it works out…

I’ve got some of my old show pictures posted on a photopoint album, if any of you would like to see them. Just try not to laugh too hard at the show clothes back then!!

I think I have slipped through the crack on the Let’s Meet threads.
I use to be the most Horse Crazy person I ever knew.
After showing in A/O on my dream horse, Bumpkin, living in England for 4 years and losing my nerve, I faded out of horses at the ripe old age of 30 and got married and had a daughter.
Thank heavens through Mallory, my daughter, we passed through the backyard pony stage and found “Poncho”, Mallory’s large WB Pinto.
I still swore I enjoyed watching and would never ride again.
I mean, I could never, ever replace “Bumpkin”.
But as I have said on the “Yippee I Got a Horse” thread I now own the 2nd Most Wonderful Horse in the World, “Elliot”, 16hh bay gelding, (Starman x Oh Louise), who was clearly an Electrician in a past life.
Somedays I cannot believe I left the life of being a Housewife to go back to work so I could pay for my new horse.
I love coming on this BB several times a day and meeting new people.
Everyone is so kind, supportive and honestly helpful.

[This message has been edited by Bumpkin (edited 10-16-2000).]

Thanks for all the nice comments, guys! I’m blushing…

Catcuskate - no, I first rode with Joan and Don Kerron, and then with Suzie and Dale Balenseifen.

You’re right, Ridgeview and Sunwood Farms are long gone, as well as the old Portland Riding Academy, Portland Hunt Club’s outside hunter course and Mountain Park Stables. PHC and Ridgeview’s outside hunter courses were great fun, I remember winning a hunter team class at PHC. When we were visiting Oregon this past spring, it was very depressing to find all of them replaced by condos, houses, malls, and more houses!

The only old stable from my time in the Portland area that is still around is Lake Oswego Hunt Club. They have a website and it looks unchanged 30 years later!! It’s actually been designated on the National Register of Historic Places - pretty amazing for a barn. I loved their huge polo field and always enjoyed showing there.

What ever happened to Jay and Claudia? I know their son Jeff is a trainer in Oregon, as well as Mary Von Zimmermann (I assume Max’s daughter?), at Lake Oswego.

I’ll e-mail you privately and we can chat more about the “good old days” in the NW…

[This message has been edited by dublin (edited 10-18-2000).]

[This message has been edited by dublin (edited 10-18-2000).]