Let's Meet (part 3?)

I don’t think I ever introduced myself, either. I’m Katherine, a 22 yo college student (English major; going to switch to something that pays better ). I have three horses: Little, my 27 yo QH; Twana, a 23 yo Anglo-Arab; and Sky, Twana’s 3 1/2 month old Anglo-Arab colt. Twan and I are “jacks of all trades”. I’ve shown her hunter, jumper, gulp western, and bigger gulp halter. I was a working student for some time after high school, but it’s been a couple of years since I’ve ridden seriously. I’m really a jumper at heart and intend to focus more closely on that when my colt grows up.

Do people actually read these threads when they get this long?? They must, look at me posting an introduction to myself.

Here goes: I’m a refugee from the E-search board. Too difficult to keep up with and besides, this one is much better. They people are so much nicer and more helpful. Anyhoo, I’m 30 years old (YIKES, when did THAT happen???) and I live in Waynesboro, Va. My husband of 4 years and I own a small farm. I have a 3 year old TB/Dutch WB cross that will be my “A” show hunter prospect if he ever decides to mature enough to be ridden regularly . I also have a 6 year old quarter horse that I’ve been showing in local hunters. We also have 5 (yup count 'em FIVE) cats, and 2 dogs.

I love to meet people close by so feel free to e-mail me if you want to chat or go riding sometime!!

That’s me in a nutshell.

I am 32 (but pass for 22!) and have been riding since I was 8. I don’t know why, but every horse I’ve ever owned has been a chestnut.

My current beasts are:

Abricot V: chestnut, 15.3 hh, 12 yo Anglo-Arab. He’s NUTS, but I love him.

Héros de Boutron : chestnut, 17.3 hh, 5 yo Selle Francais. Best horse I’ve ever owned.

Both are French, but Héros has an American (!) grandfather (Count Ivor)

I also have two chihuahuas, one of which I found in a dumpster (beaten and burned with cigarettes) in Vermont. I gave him a home, ten years ago, and bought him a girlfriend (who also happens to be chestnut colored. Good grief) and now he’s the happiest thing on four legs.

I show in the highest amateur level in France (3rd category — hence the BB name “3ème”) and hope to move up to compete against the pro’s (2ème categorie) next year. Héros was meant to be my future pro-level Grand Prix horse, but my new coach doesn’t think he’s right for me. Too bad, because I love him AND he’s an original “point and kick” push-botton EASY ride, even at 5! Sadly, I’m going to have to sell him and find a new one . Hence my posts where I bitch about trainers and horse shopping!

Since hunters are pretty pathetic over here, I do only jumpers now. As a junior in the States, I did Children’s and then Junior Hunters on my (chestnut) horses. I rode other people’s horse when I could. Most of them chestnuts. I loved hunters, and hated the eq’s.

I graduated from Smith College (did IHSA, but didn’t take it seriously) and then Wharton. I now work as a financial analyst in the real estate sector, here in the city of lights, where I’ve been for five years, HATING my job (this BB is a God-send!). My dream? To give it up, one day, and become a groom / rider… oh yes, and to one day maybe own a bay (or grey?) horse … sigh

Other interests? Not many (no time!). But I do love writing short stories and silly essays. And I picked up a nasty habit of knitting sweaters, at Smith.

Egads-I’m behind.

I started riding when I was 10. Grew up In Chantilly VA. The typical story-sold my horses and went to college at 18. Rode a bit at age 25, then quit again because of lack of money. I was single and had just gotten my first “real” job. Now, age 30-have a well paying job (which the trade off is less time) and a very understanding non-horsey husband. So, back to riding. I’m leasing a QH and trying to get back my nerve of jumping fences. Currently-2’3" seems big! But-I love it! Can’t wait to get my own horse, and I will! I’ve always ridden hunters and that is where I plan on staying.

Prior horses-Lips-my first horse-a TB mare, really to much for me but was sweet. I ended un donating her to Mcdonough School (sp?)in VA. Buttons- a pony colt I rescued from the meat man, unfortuntely, I outgrew him first. He has been with a great family since. Gaf-also a TB mare-sold her when I went to college to another nice family. I’ve been lucky having nice horses then being able to find them nice homes.

Anyway-I’ve enjoyed this board and learning all about you. This forum certainly helps the work day pass.

Well, I’ve skipped a bunch of these, so I guess I should jump in. My name is Heather, I’m 27, and I live in Northern Virginia. I moved here 5 years a go from Northern California, where my heart still resides. I started out at three riding barrel horses and cutters, and when I was 10 decided I wanted to jump. I went to an English barn recommended by my western trainer, and thus discovered the wonderful sport of eventing which has been my obsession ever since. I also enjoy straight dressage, and have dabbled in periods as a DQ when an eventer of mine decided he needed a vaction from jumping.

I’m married to a fellow horseperson, and between us we have 5 of the beasties–though one is already in semi-reitrememnt and my sister-in-laws farm, and another is about to head to the retirement field, so we may actually be on the market for a new pony soon–heaven help us. In the interim we are sharing riding duties on my horse Merlin, who is a 9 year old 17.3h TB gelding we got off the meat truck for free. He has “issues” but is incredibly talented. We also are in the process of training our homebred 2-year-old TB Shawn, and will start him under saddle next year (lightly, of course!). Our two reitrees are Shawn’s mother Ariel, who is enjoying her duties as a trail horse in Vermont (she became unable to concieve again after having Shawn), and a TB gelding called Jake, who has a long, sad story too lengthy to discuss here–but suffice it to say that thanks to the abuse he suffered as a race horse, at nine years old he is too mentally and physically damaged to be safely ridden–so we are going to let him live out his days as an ornamanet and hopefully give him the peace he so desperately deserves. Finally, we have a black and white paint mini with a blue eye called Munchkin, who is, IMHO, the cutest pony in the world.

I have a degree in Communications, and currently work for an environmental consulting firm–but hate both my job and my boss, so am currently “re-evaluating”–looking for a new job but also considering going back to school for my Masters. I have worked previously as a writer, and when I thought I wanted a horse career, was assistant director of a children’s riding program.

Hey all you Baltimorons…they’re opening a new Hammerjacks soon…

Hello, my name is poo and I’m the mother of an asthmatic…

After being coaxed by my daughter, VTrider, I have joined the BB!! Duffy - thanks for taking care of her in Richmond!!

I ride and train racehorses in Northern VA. I have done the hunter/jumper thing - really liked the jumpers. I have foxhunted for quite a few years as well. But my true love is in the racehorses. Specifically - steeplechasing - yes I will be at Gold Cup Saturday - my barn has a horse running in the Future Champions Cup.

I look forward to “chatting” with you in the future!!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RumoursFollow:
I gave Brent (the infamous boyfriend) a picture of the ring that I want for my engagement ring<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thank God - I thought I was the only won that did this. I also saw a ring at QH Congress Saturday that I liked, it was a measly (sp?) $10,400 - mere pocket change!!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by VTrider:
Thank God - I thought I was the only won that did this. I also saw a ring at QH Congress Saturday that I liked, it was a measly (sp?) $10,400 - mere pocket change!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wow! I actually wrote the check for my brothers engagement ring since I’m out of state for the jeweler… and I had NO idea someone could pay that much for a diamond! LOL. I have no idea what the setting cost itself… but the cost of the diamond alone was enough to make me and my roommates’ heart skip a few beats! LOL. I’d be afraid to wear something that expensive I think! I guess thats one you leave at home when you go to the barn

OHHHHHH…I am part of this “Southern Ontario Clique” too!!! I am currently riding dressage but I have evented and shown jumpers in the past. I have my B2 level in Pony Club and do some testing and schooling show judging. I own a jumper (who is ridden by somebody else) and a stunning young dressage horse…that’s all I am saying!! Hi Stable, Clay, Heidi…

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rockstar:
my gorgeous antique wedding ring,

For great rings - go to www.scottkay.com - absolutely gorgeous!!

Awww, Poor Erin!

This is Duffy - one of the official Welcome Wagon posters!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by VTrider:
For great rings - go to www.scottkay.com - absolutely gorgeous!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

VT Rider-- you and I are cut from the same mold! LOL. The ring I’m totally in love with is from Scott Kay!

Yeah, I kinda missed those “Let’s Meet” threads…I saw the title and thought you meant in real life, and I’m just not brave enough to venture down to Mosby’s (teasing, teasing).

My name’s Joanna, and I too live in sunny Ontario. I own a 7 year old 17.2 hand gelding named Otis (“Sound Effects”). I’ve had him almost 3 years now, and we’ve been training him up through the hunters because he was so green when I got him, but his real talent is jumper. In fact (and I’m so proud, I haven’t bragged to you guys at all yet!) we went to our third ever jumper show on Saturday, and we were champion! I’m very proud of my boy, even though he tends to pull like a freight train and we’ve been having some nasty stopping issues.

So, as you’ve realized, I could talk about my baby all day, but this thread wasn’t called “Let’s Meet each other’s horses”

I’m 16, and in grade 12 (only one more year!). I think I’ve become the resident defender of teenagers, or at least it feels like that sometimes! To anyone new: watch out for those old guys, they’re vicious!!!

Yep, rescuemom, we’re both at F&J. You posted your e-mail addy one time – the “@fulbright.com” gave you away.

Hi everyone…my name is Michelle, I’m 30, married, and I live just outside of Los Angeles. I just bought a new horse named Cypress…she is a dark bay w/no markings, 16.3 or 17 hands (I need to measure her just for curiosity sake), 10 years old, and a very sweet mare. I just sold my other horse, and he leaves at the end of this month.

I do the low A/A jumpers and the regular A/A jumpers at different places near LA (LAEC, Blenheim/Oaks, Showpark, Indio. I work as a civil engineer to pay for my habit, but I manage to escape for a day or two once every other month to go to a show. Anyway, I am hoping to have a fun and successful season with Cypress.

I have pics of me and my old horse at http://members.aol.com/dilberta99/tulie.html

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by C.Boylen:

Well…Hopkins is okay…my main thing about going here was obviously the fact that it was near my trainer, an added bonus is that classes run MTW or ThF; so I can leave on W nights for FL in the winters. I personally go out in Fells Point, and I think quite a few other Hopkins kids do, but PJ’s Pub across from campus is the real deal. Rodney and Elizabeth got married in the Cathedral of the Incarnation which is down from the lacrosse field, the church directly across from the lacrosse field is a christian scientist church (no offence intended to anyone)

You mean Elizabeth and Rodney aren’t Christian Scientists? The Cathedral was actually the church I was referring to… the one right on the corner of University and Charles… but that’s really funny about the other church. I love PJ’s… to eat… but it’s so sad that I lived two minutes away and never did more than, errr, eat there. Actually , I have never been out in Baltimore… people always ask me where to go and I can’t tell them because we only had parties at houses in high school and I am never home now… but I do love and adore Fell’s Point. Do you all cab it there and back? I am sorry… I just don’t know anyone at Hopkins and, living so close, I have always wondered about what y’all do for fun in a city like balto that is so spread out and has no subway or cabs floating around everywhere.

In any case… when I am home next you will have to show me the town … pretty pathetic that it’s not ME who would be doing the “showing” since it is my HOME and all! I have been told by my friends who DON’T live in Baltimore that I have to go to Have A Nice Day Cafe…

In return I’ll take you to a baseball game… now THAT turf I know … season tix baby!

Hi I’m Kryswyn, I live in VA, am sometimes considered part of the VA Clique, but, personally I don’t think I qualify, since I don’t even have a horse anymore!

I’m over 40 (just a bit) and did horses seriously for almost 30 years of my life. Now I’m using my horse knowledge working in VA’s finest tack shop…trying to prevent people from making horrible fashion faux paux and buying equipment they don’t need, (“NO NO don’t buy a double twisted wire! Try teaching a voice command ‘whoa’ to back your horse off”) while educating them on the fine points of Thermatex fabric for horse, dog and human.

I also breed, train and show JACK RUSSELL TERRIERS . We (the dogs and I) just got back from our National trial (1261 JRTs!) where we did REALLY WELL. Kryswyn Siren is the best 9-12 month old smooth bitch puppy in the country!!! Woooo Hoooo! Tawberrie’s puppy, Kryswyn Blizzard was National Puppy Top Gun Champion! (4.55 seconds over a 200 foot course) Kryswyn Ivy took a 3d & 6th in Racing and Faithful Impulse was 7th of 39 in Suitability to Racoon/Badger.

(Think of it as winning a huge o/f class, getting good ribbons and a call back at the (old) National Horse Show )

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by VA:

I’m from Virginia -Kelsey, I went to STAB too, but back when the middle school was a parking lot for the seniors!


Oh, VA, what a small world! STAB has grown tremendously, you really should come see it if ever you’re in town. Both the lower and upper campus have several brand new buildings, gorgeous new atheletic fields and facilities, and so much more. On the upper campus we have had the new middle school for years now… and then we got the Student Activity Center, and this summer they built onto Randolph Hall and Lee-Duval, and it’s just absoloutely gorgeous. The lower school has the most beautiful atheletic facilities and the convocation center. Have you seen it? You should come back to visit, Mr. Woodfolk who is director of Alumni has great Alumni parties, I hear.