Let's Meet (part 3?)

Oh my, I do not believe I have had the opportunity to introduce myself… First, I’m in the wilds of Alpharetta, which, at least from a horse showing perspective is a little remote, compared to South Florida, where I previously lived…

Well, let’s see, I, like Flash have been called quite a few things, and since we don’t want to test Erin’s “delete” reflexes, I guess we won’t repeat 'em here

As for age, I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you, and that could get messy. Suffice to say, I showed in the A/A hunters up to last year, and got to be in the infamous “middle” or “more mature” adults. Sadly, I recently moved up to the A/O’s where I am just plain referred to as “older” (P.S. - anyone attending the AHSA convention, PLEASE support the proposed rule to split the Older A/Os so once again, I can reclaim the “middle” ground!!!)

As for careers, I am currently dot.comming it in an online insurance company, after years of working in probably every aspect of health care insurance you can imagine (not that I think anyone has spent one nanosecond of their life thinking about health insurance careers). All this came after years of managing a surgical/post op facility for racehorses, and majoring in international relations and math. (Oh,yea, I can see you are all really following that career path!)

Now, on to the important things in life… the beasties… 5 to be exact… well not exactly - one is a 30 year old QH mare I “gave” to a family about 9 years ago - I don’t think she is ever coming home again, but she is still part of the family. Then come the 2 ponies - Rebel & Princess, who live in glorious retirement at ages 20 and 26 , respectively. Rebel can give Louise’s Stormy a run for his money in his ability to cause trouble, and we have agreed for the safety of mankind, those 2 shall never meet.
Finally, my 2 TBs, both off the track. One is my old man, Raven, who guided me through many years at the A/A’s, and is the most mannerly, affectionate horse I’ve met. Last, but not least, is Robbie, my 8 yr old current show horse who I got off the track 5 years ago. We moved up to the 1st years and A/Os this year, and I have to say, he is one of the nicest horses I have ever jumped (and I would say that even if I wasn’t the one who trained him ).

A pleasure t’meetch y’all! (as we say in the South)

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Blinky:
Clemson Rider-I went to Chantilly HIgh too! Graduated 1988-to show my age. Went to my 10 year reunion and we got to tour the school-my how it’s changed! Needless to say-our group was lost. Anyway-we lived in Pleasant Valley subdivision, I guess before it turned “bad”. At that time, we were in the sticks. The area has truely grown. I worked at Dominion thru high school and rode with Stephanie Peddicord, who used to teach at Greenbrier Stables. Funny, huh.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Amazing isnt it . . . .everytime I go home it seems like there is a new subdivision, stoplight etc. I had friends that lived in Pleasant Valley all throughout HS! plus it was close to my barn which is still out in the sticks!

I started school there right after they did the rennovations so I never got to see the “old” 'tilly. I can imagine that you hardly recognized it though!!

Earthto? I was there in 1997, and a as matter of fact, most of my friends graduated in '97. If you want to email me in person so that you don’t have to put up names, we can compare!! I knew a coupld of melissa’s so who knows?!?!

I love these threads! I don’t think I’ve ever contributed either. I’ll keep it short (because I could babble endlessly about nothing, as I tend to do). I am 24 and live in Arizona…many of you have seen a pic of my new mare, Leila (http://albums.photopoint.com/j/ViewPhoto?u=1000458&a=7360113&p=29773481). I’ve been riding since I was 6 (evented 'til I was 14) and have done the A/A jumpers for a couple of years but hopefully will be moving up to the A/O and getting back into the hunter/EQ ring soon. I grew up riding in S. Cal but came to AZ to go to A.S.U. I graduated last year with a degree in broadcast journalim/poly sci/italian and am now considering going back for vet school (in other words, wandering aimlessly). After graduating, I was a reporter/anchor for an ABC station and hated it so I left and am currently “re-evaluating.” In the meantime, I do corporate communications for a semiconductor company. I used to wander to E-search occasionally but always felt more comfortable over here!

LOL, EVERYONE here at school calls me a Baltimoron. Some people just think they’re too cute for words.

My dear ETBWings! I am indeed pining away up here without you and Kennett Square, Inverness et al!

DMK - you’ve got that right about the Aquarium. Have to find a way to convince the cat that it actually belongs to his owner, so he won’t dare touch it… yeah right. I’m sure that swimming fish aside, the fact that its mine will no doubt serve to encourage more feline related “accidental deaths” to happen!

Hi Everyone.
My name is Tracy. I just turned 21 yesterday (I feel so old!)I go to Schoolcraft Community College on their transfer program. I am undecided as to what I want to do with my life. (Leaning toward something medical such as an MD or a DMV). I currently work in a janitorial type cleaning service so that I can pay for my horses. (I bought them and support them myself). I LOVE horses and I read everything that I can find about them. I am very interested in genetics, conformation, and veterninary subjects.

I have two horses.
Czarina of April (YUCK HORRIBLE NAME) or Tia is a 1995 dun AQHA mare. I bought her as a three year old and have owned her for about two years now. She is the pleasure type, very flat kneed, and stands 15.3hh. I currently have her at a trainers.
Innuendo (Cruz) is a coming two year old paint stud colt which I bought in April from Alberta, Canada. He is a splash white overo (the rarest paint pattern in existance) and is my possible stud prospect (only if he measures up! I am very picky!) He stands 14.1 hh right now and should finish up around 15.1-15.2hh. I hope to make a reining horse out of him. Here is a picture of him for anyone who would like to see what a splash white looks like. If you look at him, let me know what you think. http://members.tripod.com/~MPutman/The_Caped_Crusader.jpg
I do not ride hunters or jumpers, I mostly ride western. I do know something about the hunter jumper world because I have helped several of my friends at hunter shows (grooming).

I really enjoy this bulletin board and visit it often. It is nice hearing from people who love horses as much as I do.


It’s so terrifying to do this! I mean, first I disocvered BB’s at Towerheads. Then I wandered a bit…happening upon y’all. Then I became a horrendous lurker… reading everything and cursing and laughing at the posts… but never having the guts to to reply. Then came the day when I finally posted… whew! What a thrill! And now, gasp, I am posting on the intro thread. Baby steps… it’s all about the baby steps, RIGHT? Yeah… baby steps towards total and complete addiction! LOL.

So, I am 20 and a junior at the George Washington University in Washington, DC. I am studying politcal science and art history and am a total and complete political junkie and the self proclaimed internship queen. I am from Baltimore, but I lived in Massachusetts for many years. I am utterly horseless right now and will be for quite a while as I am devoting myself to school and work and, well, having a life! That and mom wanted out of the whole thing. It is SOOOO hard to be away from it all… but there are certainly a lot of aspects that I don’t miss… and hey, it will just be that much sweeter when I do finally return as an ammy. I started showing when I was 8 and did the big eq and then the junior hunters in my last few years. I worked really hard and loved every minute… but I wasn’t the most talented rider… much more interested in having fun with the horsies and the people than actually putting the work in on the saddle to win. Oh well… I loved my horses and had a blast taking great care of them and making so many friends… and that’s what counts! Since Indoors of my last junior year I have shown… well… I havn’t shown at all… and I have ridden about 5 times… yikes! But it is SOOOO nice to come here and keep up and do “coffee talk”.

Chanda… how do you like Hopkins? Do Hopkins kids go out a lot downtown? I have always wondered that. I used to live right next door in Guilford… but with her “empty nest” my mom just bought a condo in Roland Park. Didn’t Elizabeth and Rodney get married at the church across from the lacrosse field? I think remember Mary Lisa (my trainer) telling me that when she was a bridesmaid…

Hey Nancy - its going to be a salt water aquarium so we can have some of those really cool angelfish and darts etc. Its a fairly large tank, so they’ll have lots of room to swim around. (lots of room for the cat to fall in should he attempt to eat one! ) BYW - how did you get “adopted”? Did the Kitty find your door?

Thanks for the advice Rescuemom! I shall strive to achieve the state of zen that you have with your cats! I shall start saying my mantras now “OHHHMMMMMM I am the Big Cat in the house…” LOL!

[This message has been edited by Jair (edited 10-18-2000).]

OMG aparently I have never posted in the let’s meet thread . . so I suppose I should now.

Well . . . I obviously go to Clemson and I ride for the Intercollegiate team there. I do pretty well, I went to Nationals last year for intermediate Over fences (and now I have to ride in Open Fences . . .SCARY! LOL) I have a large pony who I have had forever, he is soo fat and my mommy rides him now (not enough obviously)

I live in Chantilly VA and otherwise Clemson. My major at school is sports marketing . .I love it and I plan to go to law school one day.

Uhh I have just put my feet in the water with this jumpers thing and I love it. It was a little scary the first time (who am I kidding . I almost peed in my pants). I am okay with jumping large fences at my leisure at home one at a time . . .however a course (fast course) at a show is a whole new ball game. I can’t wait to do it again and kick butt next time though!! HEHe

Okay I have rambled quite enough . . talk to you all soon!!

Oh yeah I almost forgot I have volunteered my services to chair the Peeps Defense Fund as well . . . .

Wow! Great to see so many Canucks here! I’ll have to be the only Maritimes Canada member unless somebody else shows up. I used to post alot on Esearch until they changed the format and my slow computer couldn’t handle it. I’ve missed everyone.

I live in rural Nova Scotia and somehow have accumulated 5 equines. My son’s Shetland Pony mare came to us pregnant (although we didn’t know it at the time we bought her) and now we have a lovely Paint/Shetland yearling filly. My daughter’s Appy gelding was recently diagnosed with navicular and is now a large pasture pet (big sigh). Also (it’s been a BAD summer) our Newfoundland Pony gelding has been lame for months with either arthritis or pulled muscle or ?. I bought an Appendix QH mare (bay, of course) a couple of months ago to have a horse to ride and NOW SHE’S GOT TWO STONE BRUISES!!! I can’t win, can I?

Glad to meet everyone!

I post here randomly, but I’ll introduce myself anyway.

I’m Sarah, I’m 16, I live in Alpharetta, GA (yippee!! LOL I show in hunters and equitation on my horse Southern Comfort (Capri). She’s a 17hh, 7yo, TB/Hanoverian, bay mare. She’s teh biggest sweetheart ever and doesn’t act like a mare at all!! Right now we do Childrens and the 3’ medals in Zone 4, but we’re moving up to Large Juniors sometime soon, by Ocala at the latest.

I also own a 4yo Welsh cross pony named Giorgio that my brother does barrel racing on. He’s a huge puppy, I love him! Then there’s my mom’s 32yo retired Saddlebred cross dressage horse, Colombo. He’s da bomb horsey, who just happens to be red, white, and blue (or red roan gone grey w/ age! LOL He’s sucha sweetie, who now gives pony rides to be lil cuz. Both of them live in my backyard.

uumm, what else!! I guess I fall under the “She’s-a-brat-b/c-she-has-a-cell-phone-scooter-etc…” category hehe But whatever! I love coming to these boards b/c the…er…“old folks” make it interesting for all of us! hehe


Go Jaworski!
He’s our man,
if he can’t get Nixon
No one can!!!

(sorry, feeling a bit punchy, AND remembering my history)

OK, for all you totally lost people, that’s Fulbright and Jaworski

Flash sorry to here about your son.
Your post brought the image to me right away and I almost peed my pants as well lol.

Maybe I should change my user name to “lilshy” one! I just started coming to this board a couple of weeks ago - I am the long legged one looking for a saddle. Guess I never did introduce myself so here goes. I am married and just turned 40 this year. Live on a farm where we raise crops including alfalfa hay and am also a pork producer.
I own two quarter horses (I know I am an oddity on this site), one being also a registered Buckskin, nicknamed “Sly”. Just got into serious showing this past year - concentrating on halter and showmanship. Next year hope to do more all around - Western Pleasure, Hunter Under Saddle and Horsemanship. The show horse lives full time with a trainer and my other guy is my practice horse at home. I also started taking Dressage lessons with him this summer to help improve my seat.
Even though I am not a hunter/jumper - I do enjoy this board and some of the topics are pertinent to any style of riding. The one on selling horses and trainer commission fees - now that was an eye opener! I enjoy watching the jumping classes at the quarter shows - but gotta tell ya I hold my breath while watching those classes. You all have alot of guts. I’ll just stick with the rail classes, thank-you. Well, that’s all about me.

I can’t remember whether I’ve already done this here but will go for again just in case.

Hello, I’m Simon and I’m a Horseaholic. I live in Manchester, England and am 36 years young (37 on 18/10, ooh that’s tomorrow ain’t it). I work in software suppport, supporting various health applications.

I am married with a 16 year old daughter. My main interest is hunting. Over the winter I will hunt as much as my horse, Ella, is able. Over summer I show, and judge, in working hunters. My wife hunts as well although she does not have the bug as bad as me. During the summer months she shows working and ridden hunters. Our daughter is a disappointment, she doesn’t like hunting!!, but will show horses til the cows come home. She competes very succesfully ridden and in-hand.

We currently only have two horses, three as of 27/10. Ella, 9yo CB x mare, Father Dougal 7yo ID x, and soon Jake 4yo Welsh x.

For more information and pictures http://www.horses.bigwig.net

Blinky. . . . . Where in Chantilly are you from (not that its that big or anything)!! My Parents still live there and I went to Chantilly High School!!

Portia don’t forget about Clemson U being represented on this board!!!

I have a calico kitty too . . .we saved her from a rescue organization and she is now incredibly FAT!! She isn’t very possesive though . . . .

Hello all! My name is, my name is, my name is…not Slim Shady. Excuse the indulgence, I love to wander around the house singing that, usually to the embarassment of my daughter (“mother you’re old, don’t sing that!”), accompanied by my three year old, who is aglow because he believe his mother is neat.

I’m on the verge of 35, developed paralyzing fear of riding but discovered that owning horses (feet are always on ground) is much safer than riding 'em. My dear husband does continue to ride as does our aforementioned embarassed daughter. The three year old has sat and walked on a GP horse - typically to his dissapointment as he envisions himself a younger and cuter Ian Millar and wants to jump swedish oxers. Also have a disinterested 8 year old son who has concluded that he can go faster on his bike. I’ve already outed our lab puppy as a horse poo muncher so I’ll stop embarassing him in public. He is getting ‘gelded’ tomorrow, to add to his embarassment.

Worked for many years in the Cdn. television industry, owned an animation company, travelled too much and have been enjoying my latest incarnation as a stay-at-home mother. I do have a recurring dream, however, of one day peeing in peace.

I am very passionate about the not-quite-gelled plan of establishing a riding program/foundation for kids-at-risk and talented, but financially strapped, juniors. Those interested should check out the kids at risk thread on this board.

For the most part these days, I write, I kvetch, contemplate buying myself a large pony to ride, I harass my children into doing their homework, chase animals, cook, run back and forth to doctors’ offices (with the occasional stopover in an ER room), muse that we should move to Ireland, change my mind immediately, and clamp my eyes everytime my daughter jumps ANYTHING. And oh yes, I stop by this board (and EMG’s, Canter I would never defect) several times a day and smile (usually, although sometimes I crrringe) - it’s wonderful that technology has enabled so many of us, worldwide, from disparate and varied backgrounds and life contexts, to communicate and share ideas, thoughts and information. Cheers to you all!

Alright all you old Chantilly grads, the rest of us in Fairfax County know there is nothing in Chantilly but DOMINION!

Remember back when it first opened and they had the old wood stove going to keep warm? Skeeter was just up the street in that little brick building on the opposite side of the road (Long after he moved out of Fairfax City)

Well, I am currently from Minnesota. I grew up in Michigan and Indiana. I am a 29 year old professed equine addict. I moved up here about 3 years ago in pursuit of my boyfriend (now husband). We were married earlier this year and recently bought out first house. I work as a employee benefits consultant to support my horse addiction.

I bought my first horse Reilly almost two full years ago. He’s an ex-racer that was purchased from the Cheskas. At the time of purchase, he had been off the track for about year and I really wish I could find out who re-trained him (they did a great job), because he has turned into a lovely honest hunter.

We started off in Long Stirrup and now have moved onto to Novice Adult. We show at A and B shows. I board at a farm that’s right next to a county park that has miles of lovely bridle paths. He’s a pretty decent trail horse as long as he gets to lead.

Flash — Gotta agree - that IS pretty clever!