Let's Meet (part 3?)

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jair:
I’m sure that swimming fish aside, the fact that its mine will no doubt serve to encourage more feline related “accidental deaths” to happen! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Darn Tootin! Any cat worth its whiskers works under that theory! And tabby cats? They are the worst! I suggest adopting an air of insouciance about the fish. Pretend you put them there solely for the cat’s pleasure, perhaps as a bribe to win affection. Offer him/her to sample fish in your presence. Tell the cat that fish are an excellent supplement to the diet. Might work… might not…

Since I myself am “owned” by a rather large, opinionated brown classic (that’s a type of tabby to non cat types) Maine Coon, I feel I can speak with some authority on this matter Does anyone else here make a monthly mortgage payment on behalf of your cat? Because I can tell you that the corgi and I are NOT in charge of the household!

[This message has been edited by DMK (edited 10-17-2000).]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jair:
Its unreal how they really think they are in charge of the house.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You see… this is the first sign of a problem… Notice how you casually inserted the word “think” into the sentence. If you had TRULY taken the first step to enlightenment (as the Supreme Dieties, aka Cats) call it, you would have used the word “know” instead

Of course, cats are pretty sure the last people who got it right were the Egyptians, since they (properly) worshipped cats.

See, this is how a well trained human responds to this situation. Ask your partner… he will tell you I am right

No, I’m still learning Spunky! A day doesn’t go by that I don’t learn something about the cat… especially now that my partner is away on business, I am suddenly Morris’s best friend seeing as I am the Lord of the Can Opener! I am thoroughly enjoying my power trip! LOL!

Thanks JB - looking forward to your “notes for new cat owners” !

And my dear DMK, after all your shared insights I fear my fish are indeed doomed…

Now Jair, how am I to send you Words of Wisdon so make you a fit Cat Ownee if I can’t find your email addy? E-mail me, and I’ll send you stuff.

Oh, but ClemsonRider, what about our Dog Park project?!?!?

Ok, now back to the “topic” at hand…I am, ahem, a member of the over 40 clique. I show in the older adult amateurs. I do so not only because I lease my current horse, but also because I am a single parent and because I’m not sure, at may advanced age, that I’m ready to tackle 3’6" again. It’s just been TOOOO long! It would take a very special horse and very nice and cooperative childcare assistance for me to do the A/O’s!

I have gotten so much from this BB. . .New friends that have provided more than friendship over the last nine months. . .Ya’ll know who you are and know how special you are to me!

So, thank you COTH, Erin and others, for this wonderful place to come to chat, relax, vent, laugh, etc!!

[This message has been edited by Duffy (edited 10-16-2000).]

Alrighty, then…I’ve been visiting the BB for a while, but only recently started posting. My name’s Jen, I’m 31, and I do whatever jobs I can that give me time and $$ to ride. These days I manage an international hostel and do the occasional consulting work as a women’s-health-topics trainer/writer. I also teach lessons to a couple of pony clubbers to help pay the boarding bill.

Actually, I’m primarily a dressage/CT rider with the occasional foray into jumpers. I troll around this part of the BB because, admittedly, I find the discussions about showring fashions and the like to be strangely compelling. And I say that in the most good-natured way possible!

I own Rex, a 14-yo App who will do anything-we’ve had success in dressage, horse trials, jumping, and he’s also a local pole-bending champ. His only fault is the tendency to throw little fits of crow-hopping for joy. Hardly a day goes by when someone fails to inform me of how cute he is. I swear, at our last barn, we’d be out on a trail ride and people I’ve never seen before in my life would run up to us to say “Oh, it’s Rex! He’s SOOOOOO cute!” Rex is now teaching the ropes to a pony club kid.

Just last December my husband and I spent all our wedding-gift money, and the money we didn’t spend buying useless rings, on Halo Way, who at the time was an unmanageable 2-yo TB colt whose hobby was leaping out of paddocks and rampaging around the barnyard trying to get to the broodmares. Gelding and constant turnout has morphed him into an quiet, affectionate, big puppy! His career path is not yet clear - we’ll try some hunter paces next year, some horse trials, some training level dressage, and see what he likes. I’d love to try the point-to-point world with him, but it’s unclear yet whether he has any interest in going fast! He amazes us all with his unnatural aplomb on the trail - noisy motorcycles, bridge construction, bulldozers, river crossings…his approach to all is to say “You want me to go past/through that? Uhhhh, okeydokey!” The Invisible Black Squirrel of Death is the only thing that ever spooks him.

Anyway, I’ve been enjoying all your posts, and look forward to more!

I’ve already introduced myself, but what the hey! I’m shameless when it comes to seizing any chance to talk about myself a little . Let’s see - I’m 21 years old, studying psychology, and freezing my ass off here in beautiful Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I do the jumpers and own two horses - a 10-year-old Selle Francais gelding named Caiman Bleu and a 14-year-old TB mare named Kachoo. Unfortunately, since a major injury she sustained in the process of kicking the hell out of her stall back in 1999, Choo now resides full-time in a field and spends her days exploring the brave new world of being a pasture mare. Caiman and I do the 4’ junior/amateur stuff together and will hopefully be going higher when the snow finally melts and we emerge into the outdoor stuff again next season. My family and I have two Bavarian Warmbloods currently undergoing some training in Germany with a good friend of ours, and if all goes according to plan, they should be heading over here before too long. As for miscellaneous info - I love to write, travel, take photos, and work on my website, although I haven’t had time to do any of these things lately, because my school is trying to finish me off. I really love this board, and I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you guys a lot better.


<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DMK:
OK, for all you totally lost people, that’s Fulbright and Jaworski <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That doesn’t help much DMK! Take it you’re referring to American politics of some sort?

Yes - that cat thing was histerical! I was laughing pretty hard too.

Morris definitely like me this morning when I had to feed him even though I had already yelled at him for trying to dig up my newly planted tulip bulbs! and he went right for the ones I had planted as opposed to my partner. He must have been watching the whole time…

Duffy . . !!! I am so sorry that I forgot to tell everyone that we are developing quite possibly the most posh, ritzy dog park ever. There WILL be a waiting list …

Just you wait DAHHHHLING

I’ve not done the “intro” thing yet (didn’t know there was such a thread!).

I’ve lived in VA all my life, so I guess I’m a Cliquer by default. Started riding when I was 12. Have done eventing, hunters, jumpers, & dressage. Soon, (hopefully) I’ll get to add foxhunting to my resume of things I’ve done.

I am a perpetual p/t student at GMU, majoring in Geology, minoring in Geography and Archaeology (how’s THAT for a combination?). One day, if I ever graduate (LOL), I might find a job in one of my fields of study. Right now, though, life pretty much centres around the beasties.

I have one 20+ year old Han/TB mare (Cressy) whom I’ve owned for over 10 years. I’ve had lots of fun doing lots of things with her(eventing and jumpers, with hunters on rare occasion) with some nice ribbons for our efforts. We haven’t competed lately (since she recovered from EPM) but I still ride her regularly, and she still doesn’t act her age.

I have been training and giving lessons for about 15 years. I currently have several horses for clients in training, and a few students that I teach. When I’m not on or around horses, I’m selling stuff for horses! I also work from home for a web design and technical writing company.

I currently live on a small farm in the middle of nowhere, with the beast in the back yard, 4 cats, 5 birds and one 3-legged rescue turtle, who is exceptionally cute, especially when she begs for food. Oh, and I have a husband, too.

Greetings to all the new comers. It is ironic that this thread is up this morning, as just last night, Duffy and I were discussing the “Invasion of Equisearch.” Needless to say, it is great to have more people to chat with!!

I am a ripe 22, work in PR for a livestock marketing company that is a division of SOuthern States. Basically, I lease out bulls (stop laughing!!).

I grew up in Clarke COunty, VA - just west of “the Burg.” I have shown forever. I was a Pony CLub drop out at age 7 - I hated all the rules and wasn’t big on eventing anyhow. I graduated from Virginia Tech in May with a BS in COmmunications and minor in Equine Science. I did the IHSA thing, but never did too hot, as I am NOT an equitation queen.

I show in the Adults on a super nice horse (talent wise) - but he has some major attitude issues (behavior wise)!! All in all, I have had fun showing him this year. He has provided me with a bunch of championshp ribbons to hang in my office. I also show cattle on the side (again - don’t laugh!!)

Again - welcome everyone - this is the best place to make friends and to fill the time between 8-5!!

I am also new, and another escapee from ES. I am 20 and a student at UGA and a finance major. I co-own a 6 yo old QH mare, and we are trying to get her into jumping. At the barn we keep her now there is no training, but on Nov. 1 we are moving her to the barn where I take lessons, and we are going to get her under this excellent trainer and develop her potential hopefully! All of you guys seem to be really knowledgable and have a lot to offer, so I am looking forward to reading and posting here.

My story, or my tale…

I’m ancient and a retired employment lawyer, who lives in the deepest darkest Delta of Mississippi, where blues seep out of every window and into every soul.

Grew up on horseback and foxhunted as a teenager. Then got on with my life, and somehow horses weren’t part of it.

After I retired, I rescued a gray TB mare from a feedlot, my first horse in over thirty years.

Started riding again, and set a goal of foxhunting–even if it was just hilltopping. Got there. My mare and I bonded instantly. The week after she came from Southern California, I went out to her barn, called her name, and she came trotting over to me. She had wonderful, floating gaits, a walk that ate up miles and a huge jump. She was incredibly sweet on the ground and most of the time under saddle. But she had periods when she was really squirrelly and reared, but I just thought it was hormonal, since she had flaunting, flagrant heats.

I was wrong. I went off her a year ago, and tore my knee to shreds. I sent her off to a trainer who specialized in difficult horses for retraining and all was going really well, when she colicked. We hauled her off to the state vet school, and an Ultrasound showed that she had an abdominal abscess the size of a grapefruit. Necropsy showed that it was old and filled with pus. She showed no signs of discomfort until the day before she had to be put down. The scar tissue had started to kill off part of the small intestine and part of the liver. I miss her dreadfully.

I learned from her that I will never be without a horse in my life again. So day before yesterday, I bought a 16.2 dark bay TB foxhunter named Duncan, who has old age joints, as do I, and he will be my schoolmaster and foxhunter.

I’m vineyridge, because that is the name of the family cotton farm. On most other boards, I’m Muttpack, as I take in stray and unwanted dogs of all kinds and am fascinated by dog behavior.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Flash44:
Hey all you Baltimorons<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I hope you didn’t mean this the way it sounds! LOL!

I missed this too the first time round. A result of being on the West Coast and not having a computer at home - I always seem to log on half way through the interesting threads! Anyways…

Hi IÂ’m Jair.

IÂ’m 27 and live in Vancouver with my partner. I work as a geologist and have a 16.3 h grey SF gelding whom I am aiming at the High Amateur/Owner jumpers. We are currently competing at 4ft, as well as dabbling in dressage and three-day eventing.

Unfortunately I donÂ’t have a dog like some of you (although IÂ’d dearly love a German Shepherd!) but my partner has a big tabby cat that doesnÂ’t like me, which makes life interesting, and as a hobby I am currently in the process of starting an Aquarium. Which will be totally cool!

Oh – and I belong to both the VA and CA/Westcoast cliques. (and the Canadian one as well if it exists ) Guess that makes me a man of many cliques!! LOL!

Welcome, Morrissey! I have to say that VTrider is a very special young lady with whom I’ve had the priviledge to meet and start to get to know. . .I feel honored to be considered her friend.

HI!!! I’m obviously Maria and I’m a horseaholic and I too hope to someday pee in peace.

I am the mother of a wonderful almost 3 year old human daughter, one husband, one dog, one cat and one horse.

I too ride the dreaded dressage, but many many many moons ago I dabbled in hunters.

You all tickle the bejeezies out of me. I enjoy visiting and reading the insightful posts and about wet my computer screen, spewing diet coke on a regular basis laughing at you guys.

Hi, I’m Chanda. I’ve been coming to this board for about a year I guess, but I mostly lurk. I’m a junior at Johns Hopkins university in Baltimore, and I’m majoring in English. I keep my horses at my trainers barn in Monkton, MD, which is about 30 minutes from my school; so I can ride every day. I’ve been showing my entire life. I currently have a a/o hunter and an a/o jumper, although I’m hoping the hunter can find herself an actual hunter rider soon I showed hunters as a younger jr, but that’s been a while, and this particular horse was bought to be an open jumper prospect, but that didn’t work out. I’ve had the jumper for five years and he’s perfect After I’m done with school I hope to be a professional; I love working with young horses and teaching.

my name is April I am 21 and live in San Luis Obispo CA I go to Cal Poly University. My horses are:
Standing Ovation or as we wont call him (docs red neck)his registered qh name. Buddy is an 18 year old appendix qh that I have had for about 10 years. I rode him in the childrens hunters/jumpers and the junior hunters when I was a junior and now we are just playing around no longer showing.
Simply irrisistable is a 22 year old qh that I found in a person backyard that was my childrens jumper and medal horse. He now lives with a Minature horse,donkey and minature donkey at my parents ranch.
I also have a 4 year old Bucksin medium pony that I just rescued from an abusive home. Hopefully by next year she will be able to do the green pony hunters.

JB - send it to me too! (also, check out Jair’s “interests” on his profile)

Rescuemom, your cats are humoring you… this is another time honored technique called “Let Them Think They Are Boss Until They Install the Sheer White Drapes” It ranks right up there with the famous rendition of “I Love You (as long as you have the can opener)”