Let's Meet (part 3?)

I’ll get it going Erin, good idea!

My name is Angel, I am 23 years old and getting married to the most wonderful guy on the planet on September 28th!!! (He loves horses, that’s why he’s so great!)

Anyway, I am primarily a Dressage rider, but I dabble in the hunters and jumpers because I don’t know if my current mount is going to make it very far in the dressage world, not because of lack of talent, because she is VERY talented, she just has some bad habbits that might not get her good scores.

But, she loves to jump and is absolutly gorgeous, and has a pedigree to drool over… And she was found in the backyard of a really nice guy that didn’t have much use for her.

I plan to breed her to a WB stallion hopefull next year, if finances of a young married couple will allow it!

I am known on this board as the DQ that hates ear bunnies and most other gadgets, and quite often the butt of jokes about it, which I usually don’t take offense to!

Oh, and I am the founder of the CA clique!

Dublin - what a great photo album!

Get a load of Gaily jerking those knees over the brick wall - lovely.

Can tell Roulette was very special too.

Name: Been called lots of things

Age: Too old and feel older

Occupation: PI, but not for long because I hate my job, but I work from home, so I can ride whenever…

Horse: 1 A/A hunter

Married, one 3 year old son who broke his leg on Sept 20, and just learned to walk with a cane (sort of) today. I took him to the liquor store and the owner about peed their pants watching him wobble around waving his cane…

Jair, F&J is just a big law firm. But the Jaworski part of the equation does have a political link. Mr. Jaworski was a prosecutor during the Nixon-era Watergate scandal.

I’m Jo, known on E-search as Jo, but I don’t go there anymore. I was never invited to join the porch, nor do the porchers speak to me (for some reason). Sniffle. HuntJumpSC and I share an E-bay addiction and won the same show shirt, the blue and white checkered one.

I’m a junior at a U in Austin, TX. In between classes and working, I manage to ride almost everyday of the week… mostly on my Thoroughbred mare… Don’t reall show – lack of competitve spirit and $$$$…

That was just a quick intro… Must get caught up on the new topics.

I’ve been on and off for a while (Usually coincides with starting a job -too busy to surf, get tired of job - waay too much time)

I’m from Virginia -Kelsey, I went to STAB too, but back when the middle school was a parking lot for the seniors! I’m 26, went to UVA and have just finished a rather boring dot.com job in Hong Kong. Right now I’m killing time waiting for a flight to Nepal where I’m going to trek for 3 weeks. After that I will be in so much debt that I will probably be living with my parents again!

Anyway, I’ve been in love with horses forever and when time and resources permit I do everything I can to be involved with them one way or another.

I was playing polo before I moved here and definitely recommend it to anyone looking for that oft-daydreamed of boyfriend who understands your obsession with horses…and the odds are much better ladies!

Happy posting! VA

Well - I feel like I should post something about myself since I post on the BB occasionally (it seems only fair - since now I know about you guys):

Let’s see, my name is Carie (Clive is my bay TB 5 yr old gelding of rather large size - that’s a joke if you know him). I’m a computer programmer geek by day, and while I’ve been doing the jumpers these past few years, I did hunters locally around northern VA as a junior.

Hmmm, let’s see - I just moved my horse to Clifton last month after leaving my trainer of many years. Taking it easy these days and trying to figure out what I want to do with my horse going forward. Thinking about venturing back into hunters for a year before letting Clive loose in the jumpers.

I’ve really enjoyed the BB - especially all the helpful responses to some of my questions.

I missed the Mosby’s night, but I’m looking forward to making the next? one (hint hint).

[This message has been edited by Clive’s Mom (edited 10-17-2000).]

Clemson Rider-I went to Chantilly HIgh too! Graduated 1988-to show my age. Went to my 10 year reunion and we got to tour the school-my how it’s changed! Needless to say-our group was lost. Anyway-we lived in Pleasant Valley subdivision, I guess before it turned “bad”. At that time, we were in the sticks. The area has truely grown. I worked at Dominion thru high school and rode with Stephanie Peddicord, who used to teach at Greenbrier Stables. Funny, huh.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Clive’s Mom:
[B]I just moved my horse to Clifton last month after leaving my trainer of many years. Taking it easy these days and trying to figure out what I want to do with my horse going forward.

I missed the Mosby’s night, but I’m looking forward to making the next? one (hint hint).
Mosby’s was great!

My real name is Margie Wolson and I currently am responsible for 5 beasties, three are actually mine and two borrowed ponies. Yes, I borrow them for reasons that make no sense to those non-horsey humans.

Taffy is my 30 year old Chincoteague pony mare (got her as a foal at the roundup)

Wings is a 2 year old TB gelding and is half brother to our Maddie, the 5 month old orphan TB filly.

Thumper belongs to Haymarket vet service and is the most wonderful solid gold pony in the world. She has been a surrogate mother for our Maddie and will be going back to her “real” home in the next couple of weeks.

Pockets is an appy pony gelding borrowed from Sharon Richards to keep Wings company and for my neice to ride.

My animals are currently in Lorton, about 45 minutes by trail on the power lines to Clifton, Clive’s Mom , or 10 minutes by auto. (the Saddlery down there is having a great sale right now on everything beginning with “L” as well as winter blankets so boogie on down there, I am hoping to convince them that "L"eather counts )

The road our barn is on (Rt 123/Ox Rd) is being widened so I have to find a new place to call home.

I enjoy eventing, driving, judged pleasure rides and hope to soon show in breeding classes. My sisters and I maintain a web site out of incredible gratitude for our old family friend who raises Andalusian horses and taught us to ride as well as to enjoy life. I also have a site for my Little Orphan Maddie so I can share her growth and adventures. Maybe there will be show pics of her up next year if I can do this in-hand class stuff!
http://www.tamarackstables.com http://www.clutter.com/maddie

[This message has been edited by Everythingbutwings (edited 10-17-2000).]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Everythingbutwings:
[B]Alright all you old Chantilly grads, the rest of us in Fairfax County know there is nothing in Chantilly but DOMINION!

Remember back when it first opened and they had the old wood stove going to keep warm? Skeeter was just up the street in that little brick building on the opposite side of the road (Long after he moved out of Fairfax City)[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

hehe . . I sure wish Skeeter was close still. (although he isnt THAT far!!). And don’t forget there is a Starbucks in chantilly. . .mmmmmmm. I so miss starbucks . . . There is no place like home. . .no place like home. . .

Jair, you can hold an out of town membership in the SO Clique. I’m sure the others wouldn’t mind. You would be our first male member.

What a great thread! Since this is the first day this week I’ve been able to wrest the computer away from my ten-year-old twin boys, here goes.
My name is Miranda, and I am a charter member of the over 40 clique. Our farm is Baymare farm, which started as a joke because for several years the entire farm consisted of one bay mare. Then, lo and behold, the second horse was also a bay mare, and we decided it had to stick.
Baymare #1 (THE bay mare, she would have you understand) is a now 20 yr old TB/QH cross that I have had for almost 18 years. She rules. I have done hunters and eventing with her, and for the last few years my husband has done great in the A/A jumpers with her. She gets a gleam in her eye as if to say “How come YOU never let me go so fast??”
We also have a fat (is there any other kind) little Morgan mare that I call “The pony for grown-ups”, and lastly a funky little pink appie mare that is our official walk-trot horse.
We also have (for our sins) four cats, ranging in age from 18 yrs. to 4 months, an aged wonderful “brown dog”, and my pride and joy a 9 month old German Shepard named Luther, the favorite target of all the cats, even the kitten.
This could be a really long boring post, but the condensed version of me is: grew up in the midwest (Chicago area), lived in Vermont during my “formative years”, got married and moved back to midwest, and spent the next twelve years trying to figure out how to get back to Vermont! Finally made it two years ago, and after thirty-some years of working for other people at their barns, at long last have a beautiful little hilltop farm of our own. We are in the process of building a small indoor, and I hope to have a nice little small-scale fun operation. (Nobody is giving up their day job!)
Hobbies are reading, Music (I play the cello
and sing in community chorus), and this BB.
My posts often look bizarre because I treat my keyboard like a typewriter–I never even had an electric typewriter before the kids got this computer for Christmas last year, so technology is not a strong point!
I have really enjoyed meeting all of you and think that this e-community of kindred spirits is just the greatest!

I’ve posted occasionally on COTH before but since Equisearch won’t let some of us back in no matter what we do, I come over here periodically.

My name is Susan and I’m from Rochester, NY. I am one of the ‘oldies’ on the board, that is by age (54)not use. Am single, have my own farm and work a full time job. Somehow manage to make ends meet by burning the candle at each end and in the middle.

Have 2 horses, 1 retired 13yr old QH called Chocolate but a more descriptive name for him would be Dennis the Menace. The other horse, an ottb, is named Tiger Bay. T-Bay is 8, had evented to training level with a top notch trainer who was first in the selection trials for the '96 Olympics on my boys 1/2 brother but didn’t make the Olympics due to injury. Since I ride alone and live alone I need a really kind horse and T-Bay really is. Only problem I have with him is that he is allergic to upstate NY. Have spent the entire summer working with my vet on various treatments and am now giving him allergy shots that will probably go on for almost 9 months. Hope it helps.

Also have 1 dog and 2 cats. Used to compete in H/J when I was much younger and even evented Preliminary in the 60’s (they didn’t have novice or training in those days-you started at Prelim). Have done an occasional stint in dressage but with the farm,job, and 4-legged critters, there is just no time for competition. Am a very willing volunteer at a few of our local horse trials and some dressage competitions.

DMK: ROTFLOL!!! Seriously, I had to let the phone ring unanswered because I was laughing so hard.

Too true! I thoroughly envy out cat’s (Morris) ability to make my partner do things for him. I only wish I had as much clout at home!!

Perhaps the rift in our relationship was the result of me “helping” him make a decision about whether to go out the window or not…

hey! it cut off the last part of my post and now won’t let me edit…

so… here’s the rest!

… and to all of the wedding obsessed girls out there… OMG I am so right there with y’all. I have already picked out my Vera Wang strapless, princess-cut dress, my gorgeous antique wedding ring, and the spot where it will all take place… one of three options a)the National Cathedral here in DC b) this beautiful church that I adore on 5th avenue in NYC or c) in the garden/lawn of someone’s home with a ocean vista in New England. No problem at all, right Now if I could only find the Groom…

There’s some great stuff here!

I’m duly impressed by our contingent of college goers - Johns Hopkins, George Washington (my father got his MD there long long ago), MSU and/or Notre Dame. Scholarship and horses mix pretty well!

As for me, here’s the short version. Single, lawyer in Houston (at the same firm that rescuemom works for in our DC office), I do energy litigation and international arbitration. I’m at a very traditional European dressage and jumper barn. Two horses, 13 year old chestnut Trakehner gelding Lucien, who I bought from the owner of the barn after his former owner had failed to pay his board for over a year. He’s the love of my horsey life and we do the AA Jumpers, used to do some novice eventing. Portia is a 5 year old grey Oldenburg mare by Pikadero who I bought as a long yearling – jumps just like her dad. I’ll show her at the low stuff eventually, but we hope she’ll do the big stuff with my trainer (fingers crossed, knock on wood, prayers to the horse gods). She hasn’t lost her baby teeth yet, go figure. (The dentist says just to wait and they’ll come out sometime)

Three cats, Greyling an 11 year old mean grey tabby who found me as a stray half-grown kitten. The other two are Monster and Creature, two sisters who my trainer picked out for me as 7 week old kittens at the animal shelter. She got them for me on the very sad day in July 1999 when dogs killed my beloved former barn cat, Farnsworth (I still can’t talk about him without crying, so I won’t.) Farns was the sweetest, most loving animal that ever lived on this earth, and he answered my prayers and bequeathed a lot of that sweetness to Monster and Creature. Monster is black and white, Creature is multi-colored with grey tabby parts and brown tabby parts and some white spots. They can go outside safely because I got a new front gate they can’t get through and put up the Cat Fence-In System so they can’t jump the fence.

Nancey, you’ve been adopted by a cat?!? Now you know what I’ve been dealing with for so many years. And yes, Jair, cats have never forgotten they were once worshipped as gods. If you really want to get back at Mr. Morris, however, leave a paper shopping bag open in the middle of the floor. He will be unable to resist climbing in it, then you can laugh at the silly cat.

Only thing wrong with this is that I can’t remember if I ever posted on one of the older threads(approaching senility ya know). Might be easier to just introduce myself all over again.

Lets see: I’m 52 years old, work in Distribution for a company that makes medical equipment. I have two horses, and I bore everybody to death with stories about them.

There’s Promise, my TB mare - she is 17 now (where have the years gone?) I got her when she was 4. When she was 5 she was diagnosed with a cracked pelvis, so she has led a life of leisure. She is sweet, gentle and not the brightest bulb on the planet, and, she is the light of my life, I call her my “walking valium”. Nicknames - Miss Priss and Fuzzy Numbnoggin.

Stormy is my 25 year old Polish Warmblood. He has done everything from A jumpers, to any kind of hunter work you can name, to lower level dressage. I got him when he was 20 and had a few good years with him, but he is now retired also, his feet,(quote from my farrier, who works with problem feet “he has the worst feet I have ever seen”)have finally given out on him. He is bold, brassy and as smart as they come. I can always count on him for a laugh. Nicknames - Old Sinner and Grampa Big Pain.

So here I am, with two horses, both retired, and nothing to ride. And, I wouldn’t change it for the world. I consider myself extremely lucky to have two such wonderful animals to care for.

Oh, I ride dressage, but hang out here most of the time because the people are so much fun and have forgotton more than I will ever know.

LOL, thats it, more than you ever wanted to know, I’m sure.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dublin:
[B]I’ve got some of my old show pictures posted on a photopoint album, if any of you would like to see them. Just try not to laugh too hard at the show clothes back then!!


Dublin, those pictures are great! Thanks for sharing

I think I posted on the other let’s meet threads, but writing posts is keeping from reading my History homework, so I’m gonna re-introduce myself.

I’m a former E-Search lurker, and I poke my head out often here, at Towerheads, and at BigEq (I’m Indy at the later two sites).

Anyways…I’m a college junior, from Indiana (I live in the BFE of BFE) - a History major with minors in Russian Language and Religious studies (I’m planing on becoming eclectic when I grow up.). No clue what I want to do with my life…well, really I just want to play with horsies, but the folks don’t think that is a good use of my schooling…

Due to school, I don’t have a horse of my own anymore. I have had 3 wonderful equines in the past though: Sonney, a great starter bay QH; Merit (Sandstone’s horse now), a lovely grey TB; and Wink, a terribly cute pinto large pony. I got to spend the summer riding ponies in Florida, and had the time of my life…unfortunately, I haven’t so much as seen a horse since the begining of August When I ride, I ride hunters and eqs, with a rare dabbling in jumpers when I feel adventurous. Oh, if you’re borred, visit my online life at http://mdphillips.tripod.com/morgan.html - there are pictures of my boys there.

Welp, that’s me. Now I’m off to spend an hour talking about Northern Ireland in the 1920’s…

I am Kelsey and I’m 14 years old. I live in Keswick, VA (right outside of Charlottesville) for most of the year. I’m a freshman at St. Anne’s-Belfield School in Charlottesville.

I show in High Junior Jumpers with Cover Girl and Chinatown. We’re looking to import another jumper soon from Europe which I’m very happy about.

Hm, I don’t know what else to say!

Well my e-mail is stardust2686@hotmail.com and my IM is IceCastle or stardust2686.