Lexapro withdrawal

Hi guys, it’s my 14th day of Lexapro withdrawal and i’m dealing with some severe symptoms of discontinuation as derealization, panic attacks, vertigo, tremors, body weakness, headaches, tingling in body.How much time will it take to subside the withdrawal symptoms? I’ve been taking Lexapro for 6 weeks of 10mg, 2 weeks of 5mg and then 0.It helped me a little with my anxiety but now it’s getting worse, i can barely function, i feel lost, panicky, that feel like i’m going crazy.

It sounds to me like you tapered off too fast. I would contact your doctor ASAP. How did you feel on 5 mg? I would have thought that you would stay longer on that dose and then maybe go to 2.5 mg for several weeks. This isn’t something that can be done quickly without side effects. Good luck.

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Problem is that I didn’t feel good on pills, it made me very very agitated, something like serotonin syndrome.dilated pupils, nervousness, agitation

I am currently hanging on, it’s so hard but i know it will get better soon

I hope it passes soon. My daughter takes Clonezepam to prevent migraines and even though she takes a small amount she was warned that if she wanted to stop, she had to plan a long taper.

And once again we see the problem with western medicine.

I am so sorry your’e going through this. I, too, had horrible withdrawal coming off Lexapro. But I was on it much longer than you – to help me cope with the various a$$es in my life. It took me a full six months (sorry!) before I felt ‘normal’ again. Save the headaches, which took about a year to completely leave.

But what I found most disturbing was the brain zaps. You cannot describe them to anyone for them to understand.

I might suggest you see a good nutritionist/ naturopath/ functional medicine doctor and see if you have any deficiencies that contribute to your anxiety. (Cue the FM/ IM naysayers). That and diet modification and some lifestyle changes made a phenomenal difference for me.

Also, cut out all sugar, white flour and simple carbs. It all starts there, with gut bacteria.


What symptoms you had while you been off it? I took it for a small amount of time, this plays an important role on withdrawal timeline, but not in the symptoms.The thing is I stopped taking them because they made me feel very agitated and nervous, dilated pupils and other things.Hope it all passes soon, i feel like i am literally going crazy right now.Can barely function daytime, and after 5pm the symptoms become more severe

Psychotropic medications, Lexapro

You really need to see a doctor who deals with wholistic medicine.

I’m sorry… I won’t elaborate here further on what I experienced beyond what I’ve already stated.
Best of luck to you; it does get better.

I am no doctor so please take this with a giant grain of salt, but I have heard that Prozac can help mitigate the effects of withdrawal. I have been where you are but on a smaller scale. I took Effexor (which I personally will never take again) and had withdrawal as well - headaches, terrible anxiety, and I could hear my eyeballs moving. It’s so not fun! I agree with others that a practical medicine or holistic doctor could also give you a few ideas to lessen the symptoms of withdrawal. I’m guessing there are some nutritional supplements that could help balance your brain chemicals.

Im sorry Lexapro made you feel so crappy. That’s the thing about antidepressants - when they work, it’s great, but when they don’t work, it’s awful. I’ve been on them since I was a teen and am able to go into remission with the help of medication, but every couple of years, I have to switch medication due to what they coin the Prozac poop-out. It’s a very uncomfortable time when this happens. Mental illness is rough. Sending hugs and healing thoughts.

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Thank you very much for responding.Hope it all gets better soon, it’s horrible

@Kronos, I am sorry you are going through this but glad you posted about it. My rheumatologist doesn’t understand why I won’t go on Cymbalta, which has an antidepressant component to it. She said if it doesn’t work for me, or if the side effects are unacceptable, just stop taking it. I’ve heard too many people say that getting off an antidepressant is very difficult. The doctor did not understand my reluctance, and I was starting to second guess myself. Your situation makes me confident that I made the right call.


Hang in there. You should not have to be doing this alone. What does your doctor say? Is there any medication that can ease the withdrawal? There must be.

The doctor that prescribed this medication is responsible to care for these symptoms. If there is no way to withdraw from the drug without distress, this drug should not be prescribed.

If you are in extremis go to the E.R. or an urgent care facility and insist on help with your symptoms. This is an unacceptable situation. Please keep in touch.

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I am so sorry. I was ok when i weaned myself off it, but it did it more slowly. i later discovered i could not cope without it. My lexapro makes me feel like the REAL me. But i can guess, it isn’t for everyone. It is difficult to find the right meds to help you.