Lightweight vest with pockets for trail riding

Looking for suggestions for a lightweight vest to wear while trail riding. Something with lots of pockets similar to a fishing/safari vest instead of wearing a fanny pack. TIA

I always wear a hi vis vest riding. I’m on lots of dirt roads, and it’s generally “hunting for something” season in Vermont so I just like to be visible. I also appreciate the pockets for my phone, tissues, and horse treats.

In the summer, I use the Equisafety lightweight “air waistcoat.”. It has two generously sized side pockets. Saferider makes basically the same thing, just different colors. Since I like to indulge in orange matchy-matchiness with my horse, I went with the Equisafety option :wink:


I love fly fishing vests and you can get them in a range of colors.

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I have one from Duluth Trading. Lots of pockets


Oh! I believe @Larbear has just the thing… :wink:

Ha ha yes :smile:! Garden vest from Deluth Trading. It has a crazy number of pockets. Love mine, it’s light weight and I wear it all summer.|NB|GOOG||||||||18284927928|&gclid=CjwKCAjwzo2mBhAUEiwAf7wjkrfEjRIw6q58NI7Mx1OmTLYRLocIWPKY8zg6Fm38e-oy4dHyp9POyBoC8YsQAvD_BwE


Thanks for the recommendation! That vest does look great, and I have ordered from Duluth before and always been satisfied.

I have this one that works in even the hottest weather (being experienced right now in many places)

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I really love mine. The front pocket holds my phone or if I’m recording my ride with my Pivo I can put my remote on there. Lots of pockets for horse treats and back pockets to shove my gloves in. Lol I have a couple for civilian use because I don’t like using a purse :smile:

Just ordered this one from Duluth TC:

Burgundy is my tack color of choice, so we shall matchy-match - the #1 goal of responsible horsepersons everywhere, never mind the riding level. :slight_smile:


I also have a hi-vis vest that has two outside pockets, zippered, and two inside larger pockets unzippered. I don’t know if that’s enough pockets for you.

I got it in Lexington at the 3 day and it reads “Please pass slowly and wide” on the back in block letters. Useful if you share trails with cyclists.

I like the hi-vis in case I come off in the brush somewhere and break a leg. Someone can find me.

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I think that’s the same one I have. I noticed the other day that it actually does have inside pockets, which I’ve never known to use.