Lingering problems from L1 compression fracture

Hi all,

I suffered a compression fracture from a freak riding accident to my L1 vertebrae in 2010. I waited the required 3 months to heal (I believe it was 3 months), completed and “graduated” physical therapy, and thought I could just get on with my life.

However, life has not been that simple. I have had lingering back pain, and not even just riding. Sitting in the car for longer periods of time, standing up, etc. But riding has obviously been bad, and unbearable at times.

I know getting my core strength up by doing my back exercises up is important. But what else helped you? I also tried wearing a back brace, and that didn’t help.


have you gone back to see if the fracture is completely healed or if something has slipped forward, etc? I was diagnosed with a fracture in 2011 and told I healed and there was nothing more I could do. For over 5 years, I dealt with chronic back pain, sometimes debilitating. Come to find out after popping my back that the fracture was still there and I needed surgery and should have had surgery when it was first found. I might try a different doctor, I went to a physiatrist who is connected to a neurology group.
Good luck, I hope you find some answers!

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I am just now cleared for jumping after a T12 compression at the end of March, I also have a previous compression and fusion of L5 (fused L4-S1) from 2003. My current Dr. said (for the T12) if I had any pain that wasn’t just muscle pain that I needed to come back and get re x-rayed to make sure my vertebrae was holding up.

I would go back to either that Dr or a different one if I were you–ASAP.

My old fracture and fusion aren’t great at times, but as far as day to day, I don’t really have pain, unless it gets cold. My muscles in that area are weaker, and I do have to be more careful with it, but it has never been “unbearable”, and my other one hasn’t caused much pain since the soft tissue healed up around it after the first couple weeks, now that I’m out of the brace and starting to ride again, I have muscle pain, and some stiffness for sure, but not any really bad pain or bone pain.

I also have 5 fractured vetebrae in my back from 10 yrs. ago. The best things I have found are 1) stretching exercises that help take pressure off the back. Lots of good stretching and 2) Back on Track back brace w/ ceramic infusion. When my back aches, I put that brace on and within 20-30 min. the pain has subsided. those things are amazing.
Also any kind of good weight bearing exercise using your whole body like cleaning stalls, heavy duty gardening. It is true that you need to improve your core muscles which support your back bones.

I have never healed from mine. I did all of the PT, all of the recommended treatments and I am currently seeing a long term pain management doctor. It sucks. I had multiple fractures at multiple levels, so I think I am just one of the toys who cant be fixed…I face chronic debilitating pain daily and I was told, just wear this body cast for 10 months, do your PT etc, and you will be as good as gold. According to my current doctors this was an injury that should have had surgery at the time of admission. Now, 4 surgeries later and no better. Sorry to be Debbie Downer, but sometimes it does not go away. Keep vocal in your treatment. Good luck!