Litter box recommendations for a cat that pees on the sides?

So…we currently use these litterboxes

However, one of our cats likes to pee up against the side, which then flows through the seam between the two halves and down onto the floor.

Any suggestions for a litter box with very high sides that does not have any sort of seam, crack, or join on the sides?

I use the plastic storage bins from Walmart. I believe it’s the 18-gallon size. Cost about $5. They are probably just over a foot tall, no seams. The cats do have a jump in and out, so might not work for an arthritic senior.

ETA: Like these. With the lid off, of course.

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Thanks. One of ours is blind, and though she could probably figure this one out, I hate to put her in that position. Maybe if I cut an entrance in the front?

I used to use storage tubs, but have gone to these large high sided litter boxes:

Tall enough to prevent peeing over the side, but with a nice entrance, and all smooth at the bottom so cleaning is easier than storage tubs.

I use the storage tote with an opening cut in the side. My cat also pees on the side of the box and it works really well. I will say that occasionally she’ll pee out of the opening and because of that I always keep a puppy pee pad down so when that happens, it’s not a huge mess. I use the box with World’s best cat litter and never have an issue with keeping the bottom clean. I have just the one cat though.

I use a cement mixing tub from Home Depot. They have sizes medium and large. Not sure if this would work for your blind kitty or if the sides are high enough.

I have a large mixing tub in the den and 2 smaller litterboxes with covers in the bedroom. For the kitties that want more privacy.

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I use a big black heavy duty storage tote that a cut part of the side out of. In one spot I cut the long side, in another location the short side. I used a sawzall. I then took the pipe wrap with the sticky stuff on the cut sides and covered the edges that I cut since it was a little rough. The box is big enough that I fill it about once a month with a 42 pound bag from CostCo. It works well.

Thanks all for the suggestions - I’ve found a few different high sided ones that I think could work. Just waiting for the SO’s opinion…

I am another storage tote user. I just cut an access hole in the short end. It doesn’t work to cut it on the long side. Apparently cat squats immediately on entry and a hole on the long side doesn’t provide enough room and he easily hits the hole :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: and the pee ends up outside the box.

Here are my two boxes. The one on the right is a proper cat box…and cost about 8 x more.

I also put them in washer pans as he still hits the hole maybe once every 2-3 months.


I bought a “jumbo” size one similar to the one Simkie posted for my extra large/long cat and put a boot tray under it just in case.

Or you get one of these and cut a entrance in the front.

eta - well duh didn’t read far enough. Love the suggestions. May use one for my “I-have-to-pee-up-the-side-and-over-the-edge” guy.