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Live Stream from Devon

McLain has now won the GP at Devon 12 times. 12 times!!!

Just incredible!


Dropping in to say Iā€™m a Saddle Horse person and very disappointed by the almost nonexistent presence of them

I remember when Devon was the show to attend.
Wonder where they all are

Eh, the live stream where I am is terrible (buffering every 3 seconds) so I guess Iā€™ll just view the recorded classes each day

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Iā€™m actually at the show this afternoon. (Long story, DH has car stuff tomorrow and next Saturday, so weā€™re in Philly for 10 days. And thanks to COTH forums, I found out about the show. Watched lots of AO hunters this morning and into the afternoon (endless, actually.) And now fancy high steppers. Entries are very light, yes, but thatā€™s an industry-wide problemā€¦ Just not that many people are interested in that world anymore. Itā€™s expensive, and owners/riders/drivers donā€™t get to do a lot with their horses.

I was happy to see a few Morgans in the saddleseat classes, though.


I guess Iā€™ll see tomorrow. Looked at one class from yesterday today and still had a lot of buffering. Might be the internet where I am

The fudge and the finger sandwiches there are legendary. Ditto for the lemon sticks.

Just FYI. :slight_smile:

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We got the finger sandwiches, but never found the lemon sticks. I had a really good raspberry popsicle though.

Lemon sticks are at the candy booth and there are also kids wandering around selling them at different times of the day. I have to say the tea sandwiches are not up to par this year. Very disappointing, since they are are a favorite. I do highly recommend the Champion cocktail.

I thought the tea sandwiches were ok. Not great, but ok. DhH and I were so hungry we just stopped at the first place with not-fried food we found, after leaving our seats. He later bought deep fried Nutter Butter cookies. (I ate oneā€¦)

How fun that you were able to go!

I wonder why McLean Ward didnā€™t show in tonightā€™s Grand Prix or show up to accept his awards.