lock up/out

What’s up with that? Can’t reply, can’t turn page, sometimes won’t even scroll down, back botton freezes, curser vanishes, web page expired up all the time.

Been going on for about a week now.

PC with windows xp, dsl, explorer.

If this posts it will be the first post or reply in a week.

It is possible you may have a virus. When that happened to me I hit CTRL ALT DELETE all at the same time and cancel the program that locked me up, or sometimes I just turn off my computer and restart!

Nope, no virus. Defragged already too. That would be too easy. Actually doing better today. Maybe just the huge amount of traffic with Rolex and all those pics posted from World Cup.

But this is the worst I have seen it in years. Wierd glitches others have mentioned too.