locking knee

Thought I’d try this here to see if I’d hear more responses:

Has anyone had their knee lock up for a few minutes? Curious what the exact issue you had and how it was treated as well as length of injury and success of healing was?

I’ve been having problems with my knee for 4-6 weeks. It locks daily at work and occasionally at home. Went to doc and X-rays were ok. He basically told me to go to pt for a month and if not better come back for an mri.

He commented that my legs were really tight so thinking I’ll be on a stretching routine. I’ve delayed pt thinking I could fix it bit it’s not really getting better yet by rest and my own stretching so going to pt on wed.

Curious if others have had similar issues and what your outcome was. Tia

My father had problems with his knee locking many years ago (30+ years ago). The first Dr. told him to strengthen his legs so he started doing a bunch of walking with ankle weights, eventually his knee started to swell pretty badly. After getting nowhere with Dr. #1 he went to a Dr #2. The final diagnosis was torn cartilage in his knee, he had surgery to remove the damaged cartilage and the locking went away.

He’s 62 now and still very active, but he does have arthritis in his knee. I wouldn’t put things off too long, get it fixed before it becomes a bigger problem.

I did go to the orthopedic doctor and he prescribed PT. I start that on Wed. When I went to see him though, my knee was not locking up and it felt pretty good. I must have done something else to it as it locks almost daily at least once or twice while at work and it aches almost contstantly to one degree or another. Its livable but pretty much there all the time.

I’ve tried to ride during this, but getting off the horse is painful. Landing on my left leg is not very good so I end up jolting my knee a bit more than i should. Trying to be careful, but its a long way down.

curious if folks stopped riding when experiencing these issues. Riding doesn’t hurt it…its just the getting off.

Driving is painful at times though.

Try getting off on the right? :slight_smile:

It’s the landing that is painful. Doesn’t matter which side unfortunately