Log In

Friend accidentally got logged out during computer cleanup … now can’t log back in :confused:

to sign in:
email address as username

same password

^ correct

anyone else having issue ?


Check the sticky above, I think we have to use our forum username instead of the email, unless we go by the email on the board.

thanks !!
I tht that had changed …

I’ll pass that along .

Does not work - she still can’t log in …

any ideas here ?


When trying to reset password
email entered

response is invalid server response ???!!!

please try again


She can contact me directly at admin1@chronicleforums.com so I can help. :slight_smile:

Thank you.
I’ll pass that along.

The internet explorer I am signed in as is an old version and the new site works glitchy. I want to sign in under a new IE but do not know my password. I thought I did…I have asked for it to be sent to me several times but never get it to my email address. any suggestions? thanks!

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Try to contact @Moderator 1 for direct assistance?

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Blinky, I’ll give you a temporary password and send you an email to the account registered with the site.

I’m getting several reports of log-in issues at the moment, and I’ve reported them up the chain, as they’re not responding to the typical fixes I suggest at my end. Sorry for the trouble…hopefully that will be resolved shortly too!

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I’m one of the several that have been unable to log in, I contacted the site administrator for assistance three times but no replies. Mod 1 responded quickly and kindly, thank you.

With a temporary password I was able to log in and change my password and can now log in on my iPhone only. Before this happened permanently I had sporadic difficulty logging in after the change over then it suddenly became impossible to log in on any device. When on my iPad or Mac the log in won’t even let me tap or click on it and when I tap or click on my saved login nothing happens.

Before I couldn’t sign in many of the features were not working.

i prefer to use my iPad to log in and enjoy the forums, hopefully this can be remedied soon.

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well, for me it just the opposite… I have Not Checked the remember me when I log in… can log out and return and automatically be logged in

which makes no sense since others can not even log in.

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I’ve never checked the “remember me”, it just happened. Could be my iPad that saved it?

Either, or…none of its working properly.

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if your ipad software is like my desktop’s the system’s software can save the password/login but that still requires the data to be entered when logging onto a system such as CoTH

What I am seeing even if I log off, this vBulletin software can at times still remembers me, evidently their is a tracking element in the software that is timed

just did it again, I was logged off for at least an hour, returned and presto logged in… I Do Not Have Remember ME checked

Still no luck on logging in on my iPad or Mac,I’ve done everything I can on my side to try and remedy.

Where did Mod1 go? No response to my last message and haven’t seen her on here. Maybe she’s unable to log in now as well?

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I tried logging in on my iPhone a couple days ago and first try it didn’t work.
Maybe I made a mistake, or the glitch caught it.
Second time went thru.
Had clicked the remember me tab, but still any time since I try I have to log in again.
Just tried maybe four times, just to see what would happen.

Sounds like some can’t even get logged in.

Maybe Moderator 1 is on a short vacation, or super busy with so much else to care for?
If in a hurry, adding an @ in front to Moderator 1 is an instant link.
It will show up green highlighted in your post and will get brought directly to its attention.
Try that maybe?

I have never had an issue with logging in, mine is the other way around. I Log Off then return later to be found logged in even though I watched the system log me off …even though I have not checked Remember Me… I have gotten to the point I do not Trust the software

There are so many counter problems with none being this or that… it should be + or - choices… not continuously alternating… to me there is a major underlining issue

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Didn’t say I was in a hurry, just said Mod1 isn’t responding to messages now.

Admin hasn’t responded to the messages I sent them either.

I was simply saying that maybe their hands are tied because they’re being affected to the numerous problems and glitches as well?

Sorry for going MIA! I was on vacation and had unexpectedly limited connectivity in a couple of places.

First, I’m sorry for all of this craziness with password issues! As I noted before, we’re looking into moving away from vBulletin, because this stuff is getting ridiculous.

In the meantime, for those having trouble logging in, please contact me directly via email (admin1@chronicleforums.com), PM or tag me in a post if I don’t respond to you directly.

@CanadianTrotter Have you tried clearing the saved password information for the site on your iPad and Mac? It sounds like they’re holding onto your old log-in information. Here’s a video that explains how (directions start around 1:00 mark). Please report back if that helps, or if you’ve already tried that to no avail!

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@Zuzu Is your friend one of the people who emailed me? Is she all set now?