Worth a look if you get the chance;
Some Video;
Loved watching Lottie Fry and Glamourdale in the short GP. Don’t love the test though.
Not mistake free but so right on the money with the music and the technical work for most of the ride was to die for. If only we all had the opportunity to have a ride like that in our lifetimes.
And the music with the ride brought tears of joy to my eyes. There is almost NOTHING as moving to me as a well ridden, well choreographed dressage musical freestyle.
Oh that canter
That horse is Mr Cool. At the prize giving he just looked around like “my people” !
And a shoutout to Ingrid and Franziskus. I don’t think you will see a more tactful rider or a horse with a quieter mouth.
Dressage unwrapped with Lottie, Anna, and Karl…anyone seen a video? I have been looking but no luck. I would like to watch it
Right there with ya, Gail! I get choked up watching when it’s so utterly correct and relaxed.
I you have H&C subscription;
Click the on demand box.
I do have a subscription and I checked on demand and cannot see it there.
Am I missing something? Thanks Sharon
I also have a subscription to Clip my Horse…but I do not see it there either. I would love to see Lottie ride the 4 year old. Sharon
First you have to click “watch” on the LIHS live now listing. Then there are two boxes marked Live and On Demand. Click “On Demand” and it shows as available Worldwide.
Equibrit thank you. I was able to find it with your help.