Bear with me, this is rambling and possibly nonsense.
For the 100th time I’m setting riding goals and trying to get both of us in shape for the spring.
I always start with longeing because it helps me to see him moving soundly - peace of mind. I have ptsd from a history of unsound horses, lol.
Longeing was foreign to him when I got him 5 years ago. Remember I muddled along alone for a long time. He would always explode into a fit of bucks and racing the minute he felt pressure or uncomfortable. So I would walk away from the longeing.
Yesterday I had a bit of a realization - please remember I’m a 35 year horseperson but still having epiphanies when it comes to training and correct ways of going.
Tracking left he was calm and lovely, floaty trot, on the voice aids, no issue.
Tracking right he was sound, but cue the explosive bucks. I realized - he isn’t balanced! He won’t hold a true circle tracking right, he falls in, starts to race, bucks and tries to wheel around (I think someone instilled some BS natural horsemanship somewhere in his past so he tries to face me).
Assuming for the sake of this question he has no physical issues outside of not being fit, am I on the right track? It makes so much sense to me, and gives me a clear path forward. When he is better able to hold a circle and move forward calmly, I’ll know we’ve gotten somewhere.