I’m am trying to find out where the 1991 Bay 15.3HH JC registered TB mare, “Itsgottobechilly” is. I sold her to Diana Feil of Upper Lake, CA a few years back but lost touch with them. I know that she produced one Rio Grande foal for her new owners the summer after I sold her to them (we bred her before she left for CA).
I would simply like to know this mare’s whereabouts and to know that her wellbeing is being looked after. If need be, I can offer her a loving retirement home.
Chilly is a reg’d Jockey Club mare, born 1991, bay, standing 15.3HH. She is approved for breeding with the GOV (Main Mare Book), and CSHA, CWHBA. She is not sound for riding due to a racing injury. When Chilly left my care, she had a sarcoid on her neck which, in spite of treatment, kept coming back.
Any info would be greatly appreciated. I may be reached directly via e-mail at:
riverglenbcs (at) gmail.com