Looking for 2 Virginia Tech foals

I apologize if this is not permitted:

I am looking information on 2 foals (well, they would no longer be foals) that were bred by Virginia Tech- Fox Nuri VT 2003 Grey Oldenburg NA Gelding
By Fuerst Gotthard (First Gotthard/Inschallah x/More Magic xx) Out of Schoenau* (Schoenfeld/Jesterson xx/Roman Artist xx) and Revlon VT 2008 Bay Oldenburg NA Filly By Royal Appearance (Riverman/Lord Calando/Othello) Out of Schoenau* (Schoenfeld/Jesterson xx/Roman Artist xx).

Their damn Shoenau was my daughters heart horse and unfortunately we recently lost her. She has been looking for information on her foals and would love to hear how they are doing.

If anyone has any information I’d would do wonders to help her heal :slight_smile:

Thank you