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Looking for a barn

My name is Jaleesa, and I am new to Lexington Kentucky and looking to get into the equine community, doing anything and everything! It has always been my dream to make a career out of horsemanship. Dressage is what I am most interested in learning, though I am almost 24 and haven’t even started. Though I have a strong background in horsemanship.

Since I am new here I do not have any horsey contacts, and my horse himself is still boarded up in Michigan. I am looking for a barn I can afford, a barn I could work at, and begin training than start competing.

where/ how would you recommend i get started? I have ads everywhere and I have been googleing and calling all the local places. I am just wondering if there was something else i could do or possibly if someone knows a specific person who has boarding or apprenticeships open, or needs staffing help. Please and thank you.

have a blessed day!

Hi, Jaleesa! I’m not in KY myself, but you could try getting involved here if you haven’t already. Might be a good place to make some contacts:


Good luck!

What amenities do you need? Is an indoor a must?