Looking for a barn

Hi guys! I’m new to this forum. I just figured it was a good way to get some advice/help.

I just recently moved to Charleston, WV and am looking for a barn that I can ride at. I am in the process of trying to get my horse sold, so I would have to use a lesson horse. I am a show jumper. I have shown “AA” rated shows at the Kentucky Horse Park (I moved to WV from KY) through the 1.15m jumpers. I haven’t been in the show ring for about a year, and not looking to jump right back in. I just want somewhere I can keep up my riding and jumping abilities, with the option to show at some point. Does anyone have or know of any barns that are fitting of this description??

Thanks for your help!!

This is a great place to come for advice, but I’d add your new location to the subject line to draw in the people who might be able to help!

Sorry that I cannot recommend a specific barn but I am going to highjack your thread in another direction to help you get what you think you want. You should keep your options open for leasing a horse that might be at that barn, rather than using a lesson horse. Regular lesson-program horses rarely jump higher than 2’9"; if they did, as often as lesson people want to jump, they’d be broken all the time. You will find a very special barn if they allow you to lesson on a horse that will jump higher than .80 meter. So, to manage your expectations and keep you pointed in the direction you want to go, please consider whether you can do a half-lease or full lease once you get your bearings back on a horse. Welcome to the Forum; there is typically great advice, often a lot of opinions and always something to laugh at, here.