Looking for a used (read CHEAP) pair of Cavallo Sport boots size 4 regular

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I’m reaching out to see if anyone has a pair of Cavallo Sports in size 4 regular that they don’t need and are willing to give away or sell for cheap . I am looking for a used or unneeded pair to try on my mare to see if she will tolerate them, and to see if I can handle putting them on with my disabilities.
i really don’t want to buy a brand new pair until I know they will work for us. She can’t wear shoes at the moment but needs some support.
I have posted on the 900 million Facebook groups and on Craigslist, looked on eBay too but I thought I would post here too.
If someone does have a pair they are willing to part with one way or another, please pm me :slight_smile:

I know you have tried FB, but are you a member of “Hoof Boot Exchange”. There are all kinds regularly posted on there and it’s only hoof boots.